October 19, 2023 at 9:42 am

‘Your cost of doing business is not my problem.’ A Woman Talked About Why Car Salesman Make Customers Wait

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: TikTok/@roxystylezz26

For most folks out there, buying a car is stressful and they feel pretty clueless about how the whole process works.

Lucky for us, a woman named Roxy posted a video on TikTok and talked to viewers about how to deal with car salesmen who make customers wait when they’re at a dealership.

Roxy said that you should make a rebuttal to the first sticker price if you’re interested in a particular car.

She then said that the salesman will go check with their manager and that’s when the goal is to make you agree to a price that THEY want you to pay.

Roxy said, “When they come back, the salesman is going to say, “I went to war for you, and I fought real hard for this.'”

She continued by saying that the goal of him saying this is to actually get more money out of you but she added that salesmen “get a flat rate even if they don’t make any money on the car.”

Source: TikTok/@roxystylezz26

Roxy said that the next move for you, the customer, is to call another dealership in front of the salesperson to see if you can get a better deal.

She said, “If they wasted half of their day on you, I’m pretty sure they’re not going to let you walk over $1,000,” Roxy said.

Source: TikTok/@roxystylezz26

She also said that if you negotiate correctly, you can get the docking fee waived. Roxy said, “You didn’t specially order the vehicle, the dealership did. They should cover that.”

Roxy said you should look up how much it costs for an auto shop to do things like coding and film on the car and to tell the salesman that you can do it cheaper elsewhere.

Source: TikTok/@roxystylezz26

Let’s take a look at her video.


And here’s how people responded.

One viewer talked about how their husband gets good deals.

Source: TikTok/@roxystylezz26

Another individual shared what their dad does at car dealerships.

Source: TikTok/@roxystylezz26

And this TikTokker shared what they said to a car salesman.

Source: TikTok/@roxystylezz26

Sounds like some pretty good advice to me!

Keep all of this in mind next time you head out to a dealership.