“Can you just let me do my job please?” Female Client Won’t Accept Female Electrician, So She Offers Up Her 19-Year-Old Untrained Brother
by Laura Lynott
This young female electrician is sending out a message to all those who discriminate against women working in a male industry.
And if y’all don’t feel this, you might need to check your pulse. It matters. And it proves America, we still got a ways to go!
@lexi_abreu told her followers on TikTok: “If you think it’s so easy being a female in a male dominated industry. You think that we get all the perks and things are handed to us and life is easy then I have a nice little story time for you about that.”
We’re all ears!
She continued: “So, I went to a customer’s house, planning to change her panel. Standard 200 amp panel change, just a replacement. Her basement got filled with water and it went inside of her panel and ended up rusting out a lot of stuff, so she just needs a nice little panel change. And so I was gonna go do that you guys. That’s like one of my specialties, panel changes, right?”
The tone in her voice – it’s not suggesting this panel change goes smoothly.
So here’s the kicker.
She added: “So, I get there and she looks at me and she’s like, ‘Is somebody else coming?’. And I’m like, ‘No.’ She’s like, ‘It’s just you.'”
The story goes on and on and our girl admits she’s on a “rant” and to be frank – rightfully so.
But I’m gonna cut to that chase. The “older” woman customer asks for someone else to do the job… and our girl volunteers her 19-year-old brother, who’s still an apprentice.
But of course, that’s totally infuriating and does kind of set the cause back of equality about 50 years… but hey.
So she continued: “I literally do this for a living. Are you serious? So whatever. I was like, ‘I will get in contact with my brother and see when he come on and do this.’ I’m sorry. Like, she’s like ‘No hard feelings, I just like, I need to make sure that it’s like fully done well and that there’s no issues.'”
Like seriously, NOT okay…
She added: “So moral of the story is, (women) that are actually like, interested in being in the male dominated industry and want to be taken seriously. Not only do we work harder than the average male to show that we are capable, and you know, don’t get ridiculed for doing exactly what a man does in the middle of dominated industry. But we also take bull like this. Like really lady…”
Here’s the full clip and YES it is 2023:
@lextheelectriciann Like can you just let me do my job plz … thanks #lextheelectrician #femaleelectrician #electrician #bluecollarbabe #construction
Here’s the internet’s reaction:
Brilliant response. Agh. If only she’d thought of that! Next time…
This has to be the case for a lot of women.
Barbie huh. What about KEN! Joking. Don’t worry…
It’s so sad that this feedback came from a woman!

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