‘If my house floods can I sue ’em?’ Woman Can’t Get Her Shower to Turn Off And She’s Freaking Out
by Laura Lynott
A woman freaked out when she couldn’t get her shower to turn off and she did what most of us would do – called her mom!
@thatbaldbih had a nightmare when her bath started filling up but wouldn’t stop! She switched it to the shower, to slow the gushing water down but it was still filling up in the bath and she going into meltdown.
But of course, she called her mom, as well as maintenance and props to mom for helping her girl get through this.
@thatbaldbih told her followers: “I’m freaking out and the apartment building won’t answer. Four calls later.”
And it’s clear she was panicking, as she still had the towel on her head from the shower that had just caused her a LOT of stress.
“I’m about to cry. I’m shaking,” she said. “The water won’t turn off and my bathtub won’t drain. This is normally the off switch,” she told her followers, pointing to the switch that had malfunctioned.
“It’s filling up quick. I’m freaking out,” she said. But mom to the rescue. She called her mom, who advised she get a bucket and start scooping that water out to avoid her apartment getting flooded.
Footage showed her working hard to keep the water from going all over the floor. “So many buckets,” she said. She scooped and scooped until she was exhausted!
She asked her mom: “If my house floods can I sue ’em?” Her mom responded: “No.” “Will they at least replace all my stuff?” she asked. But I think mom realised it wasn’t gonna come to that, even if her girl didn’t.
She told her mom “I’m sweating” to which her mom responded: “You’re gonna have to take another shower.” At least this gave her girl a laugh in a time of chaos.
She continued: “I’m about to just get in, I’m about to just take a bath,” she told her followers, as she stands in it.” In fairness, it did seem a waste of water!
“I called maintenance 40 minutes ago,” she said. But finally. The maintenance guy arrived and he got very wet.
“This poor man, was soaked,” she said. All in a day’s work for him, I reckon but time for this lady to relax. How about a nice warm bath. Ha!
Watch the full clip below:
Here’s what folk thought of the bath disaster!
Water, water, everywhere!
She could have used that towel to help soak the water up!
Moms are superheroes for sure!
I really hope this all worked out for her.
That would be so stressful!
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · apartments, emergencies, landlords, notiktok, oldthumb, tiktok, top, video, viral

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