Priest Shared How Things Got Awkward After Starbucks Barista Drew A Heart On His Cup
by Matthew Gilligan
Next time you get a cup of coffee from Starbucks, remember to look at the lid…just in case…
That’s the lesson of this video from an Episcopalian priest named Joseph who posted a video and told viewers that he discovered a little artwork drawn on the lid of his coffee.
Joseph said he went to Starbucks to pick up a mobile order when he noticed a heart drawn on the lid. He said, “To the Starbucks barista who drew a little heart on my cup, thank you. You probably did it to make my day, and you probably also thought I was a girl because when I order Starbucks, I use my wife’s Starbucks card so that she gets all the points.”
He continued, “And when you saw the ticket come up and you said, ‘Oh this is a girl, I’m gonna draw a heart to make her day,’ And I’m certain that if my wife did receive this cup with a heart on it that it would’ve made her day. But I was the lucky recipient, and later in the afternoon when my wife got in the car and saw this Starbucks cup with a heart on it, naturally, she had questions.”
Uh oh…
Joseph said that his wife asked him a lot of questions about the heart but he didn’t have any good answers and that made him appear even more guilty and suspicious.
He finished his video by saying, “So thank you, that was a very very fun experience, so much fun that I don’t recommend. But yeah, thanks.”
Check out his video.
@joseph.yoo Thanks, @Starbucks 😅 #starbucks #barista #coffee #yourEpiscoPal #YourKoreanPriest #YourKoreanFather #yourfriendlyneighborhoodpriest #exvangelicalepiscopalian #JosephYoo
Because his original video really blew up and went viral, Joseph posted a follow-up and answered questions that commenters had.
@joseph.yoo Replying to @Joseph Yoo 🤣🤣🤣😅 felt like i needed to offer clarification because some of y’all take things way to seriously
Here’s what folks had to say.
This viewer talked about how they do it at her store.
Another individual spoke the truth.
And this person said they don’t draw hearts on cups because of stuff like this.
Bless you, Father!
Let’s hope your next cup of Joe doesn’t have anything written on it at all!

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