26-Year-Old Sister Keeps Having Kids Even Though She Can’t Take Care Of Them, So 16-Year-Old Younger Sister Calls Her Out
by Trisha Leigh
People have all kinds of opinions on who should be having kids and how many. That said, it’s generally considered to be something you keep quiet about unless the kids are yours, since it’s none of your business.
Of course, sometimes those in your family make it your business.
OP is ten years younger than her sister. The two of them don’t really get along, because they have different fathers and her sister is still bitter about the breakup.
Hello! I’m(F16) a younger sister to laury (26f).
Me and laury have never been close since we had different dads, I was an affair baby.
She’s always resented me for “ruining her family” but whatever.
Her sister has six children whom she cannot support. Their mother has been helping pay for their needs, babysit them for free, even house some of them – to the point where she’s had to quit her job in order to help.
Laury has SIX KIDS. YES. SIX.
Twin boys beck and Joe who are 7, (planned) a girl lilliana who’s 6 (unplanned) another girl, angel who’s 5 (planned) another boy, Keith who’s 2 (planned) and another baby boy Karl who’s 9 months (unplanned).
Despite the fact that Laury is incapable of taking care of these kids, 4 of them were actually planned.
Because she KNOWS my pushover mom will give her money and watch the kids. My mom even quit her job to do so, even turning her work room into a nursery for Karl.
We’re pretty well off, but we can’t do this forever.
I try not to judge, and just ignore laury like she does me. Even though when my mom is busy doing something like changing a diaper I have to step in and help.
Especially with the twins since they’re very rough with each other.
When her sister announced that she was pregnant again, OP could not keep her mouth shut.
Tonight at dinner laury’s boyfriend joined (a father to just Karl) as well as laury’s father. This wasn’t abnormal so I didn’t think anything of it, until my sister said she had some exciting news.
I wished she’d say something else.. But I knew what she was going to say. “I’m pregnant!!!” She would say.
Everyone went dead silent until I said “bruh..” I didn’t mean to say it out loud, but COME ON.
Laury gave me a Death Stare, and said if I wanted to say something I should just say it. So I did
“Laury this is your… (I take a moment to COUNT) sixth child. You know we can’t keep supporting you. Without mom you’d be on the streets, and you know that. Look at mom, she’s so tired! She’s always taking care of your kids and so am i. I’d bet I’ve changed more diapers than you have you selfish b****.”
Now her sister is upset, her mother is sad, and everything is uncomfortable – but does that mean she was wrong?
She began to cry. And ran out into her boyfriends car, he followers her and drove.
My mother then began to cry… She left to go out Karl back to bed since he woke up.
It was just me and Laurie’s father. He began to yell and told me a I was a brat and laury was a great mother, then he stormed off.
As I’m sitting here in the morning watching the boys, I’m thinking, was I too obnoxious?
My mom says that a lot, I don’t mean to be because of my autism but come on!
Please give me some feedback, Reddit, AITA??
Let’s hear what Reddit has to say on the topic!
The top comment agrees with OP that pawning kids off on family is wrong.
They didn’t miss how her mother treats her, too.
This person says just because she was harsh doesn’t mean she was wrong.
People know for sure this is a big ol’ mess.
OP needs to start saying no as soon as she can.
This family needs to get it together.
It’s high time mom stopped trying to make up for her mistakes.
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