‘His wife saw it and freaked.’ – He Painted A Curse Word On The Wall In A Friend’s New House And Now Everybody’s Angry
by Matthew Gilligan
I don’t want to sway anyone’s opinion, but I thought this story from Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page was pretty hilarious.
But that’s just my take!
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AITA for painting a curse word on the wall of my friend’s new house?
“My friend and his wife just bought their first home. It is a fixer upper and I have been helping them out with the fixing.
He knows what he’s doing when it comes to this stuff.
My father was a handyman and contractor so I have a lot of skills and experience with doing maintenance, repairs, and upgrades on a house. I also have pretty much all the tools I need to do most of the work.
This last weekend I was helping paint the dining room. I had everything set up the way I wanted and I was ready to go.
For some reason his wife decides to let their dogs into the room I’m painting.
This really annoyed him.
One of them steps in the roller tray and then jumps up on me. His wife laughed it off like it was not a big deal that I had paw prints on me.
I also had to throw out that primer because it now had mud in it. I had told them both to let me do the work in peace.
So he decided to have a little bit of fun.
After I prepared a new tray of paint I wrote the word “****” in huge letters on the wall. IN PRIMER.
For those of you who may not know primer is the coat of paint that you put down before the actual paint.
For lack of a better word it sticks to the wall better and when it dries it creates a better surface for the paint to stick to.
And then his friend’s wife walked in…
His wife saw it and freaked.
She said I was drawing profanity in her house. I told her it was primer and to stay out of my way.
And he got a call from his friend.
I then finished the job and went home.
My friend called me and said that I had really upset his wife with my childishness and that she would not let me back until I apologized. I asked him what I was apologizing for.
Apologize for what?
He said that I wrote a curse word on his wall. I asked him to provide a picture. He said he couldn’t since I had painted over it. I asked what the problem was since the word wasn’t there any more. He said that I needed to apologize. I said that him wanting me to apologize was in no way the same as me needing to apologize.
He said that I could not come back until I did. No problem for me. I was helping him for free on my weeks off from work.
He wouldn’t budge.
He called me two days later and asked if I was coming to finish painting since I would be away at work for three weeks.
I said I wasn’t ready to apologize yet and maybe I would when I got back.
I probably won’t.
Now he’s feeling the blowback.
Now she is telling everyone that I’m a bad person for leaving a job half finished. I tell everyone who asks that I was working for free and that they told me not to come back.
Now there is a big fight in our friend group between the people who think I should keep the peace and those who think she is being an entitled whiner.
No one else is volunteering to help at their house and now either they have to half *** the job or pay someone.
I’m getting hell for that too.
Here’s what people said on Reddit.
One reader said he’s NTA and said these folks are entitled.
Another individual said he needs to get PETTY.
This Reddit user said he’s NTA at all.
One person said he was doing them a favor…
I mean… he had to know this was gonna happen, right?
Regardless of what you think is funny… be ready for others to think the exact opposite.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, black text, curse words, friends, humor, joke, reddit, top

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