Adult Children Tell Their Mom They Won’t Attend Her Wedding Because It’ll Hurt Her Ex-Husband. So She Turns The Tables.
by Matthew Gilligan
Ultimatums typically never lead to anything good.
And this one is a real doozy!
The woman who wrote this story explained that she was married to a man who was NOT a good husband…
AITA for telling my kids that if they don’t go to my wedding I will not be attending theirs?
“My ex husband was a good father but a terrible husband. I divorced him when my oldest was 14 and youngest was 10.
She took all the blame for what happened.
Well he ended up spiraling and the kids were exposed to that. I was blamed for ruining dad.
He got better after a few years but ending up doing it again when he learned I was dating. So the kids kept trying to get me not to date since it will affect their dad.
It was an awful time since to the kids I was still responsible for what he did and reacted to things.
She got on with her life.
In the end I just kept my dating on the low end which wasn’t hard since it wasn’t introducing the kids to the men anyways.
All I had to change was not posting on social media.
Also yes I sent the kids to therapy. They all stopped when they hit 18 or my middle child refused to talk so I pulled him.
Her kids were not happy with a new development in her life.
The oldest is now 25 and youngest is 21 and I got proposed to.
I sat them down and told them, they were not happy and were mad I was doing this to dad. Lots of talk later and I thought it was good.
The wedding is in two weeks.
And then they all turned on each other…
I got a text from all the kids saying they will not be at my wedding, that they need to support dad during this time.
I had enough and texted them that if they do not go to my wedding it will damage our relationship and I will not be attending there own weddings when they get married.
They were mad and it started an argument and all of them think I am huge jerk.
I truly don’t like that I can’t do anything that makes me happy since it will affect my ex.”
Check out how people reacted on Reddit.
This reader said he’s NTA and that her kids should realize what’s going on here.
Another individual said her ex has been manipulating their kids for years.
This person said she’s NTA and shared some of their own story.
This reader said this guy sounds sick.
And one Reddit user said she’s NTA and said they’ve seen this before…
Well, that’s a touchy relationship!
I have a feeling this family has more drama on the horizon…
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parent’s 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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