December 8, 2023 at 3:46 am

She Refused To Pay For His Steak At His Birthday Dinner, So He’s Forced To Dine And Dash. – ‘I’ve been very clear about my rule.’

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Reddit/AITA/iStock

People make dietary choices for all kinds of reasons. Usually, it’s no one else’s business why someone eats the way they do, but some people just refuse to understand that.

OP has been with her boyfriend for a couple of years and says that, 99% of the time, they are happy and free of toxicity.

The issue he has is with her being a vegetarian and refusing to buy meat with her own money.

I (18f) have been dating my boyfriend, John (20m) for a little under a year.

We have a pretty toxic free relationship but there’s quite a bit of tension when it comes to me being vegetarian. I’ve been vegetarian since 11 and I have very strict morals around it.

The one thing John has a problem with is me refusing to spend my money on meat.

She’s happy to pay her part of their outings and even meals, but if he orders meat he has to buy his own.

Ever since I started making my own money, I swore to myself that I would never spend a cent of it on meat.

On our dates, we usually spilt the bill and sometimes he pays for it all. I told him if he orders something meat-free, I’d happily pay for both of us but he never does.

When he pays for my food, it’s when I’ve spend money on the activity. Normally concerts and festivals. That’s me paying €120+ on tickets and him spending maybe €50 on food

So, when they went out to eat for his birthday and he ordered a giant steak, she didn’t think twice before asking the waiter to split the bill.

His birthday was a few days ago and we went out for dinner at his favourite fancy restaurant.

He got the most expensive steak they had along with a side salad and a bottle of wine.

When we finished our food, I asked the waiter to spilt the bill and John looked at me shocked.

Her boyfriend, though, was shocked.

He asked if I was joking and I said no. Then he told me he thought I was going to pay since it was his birthday and he didn’t budget for the meal.

I asked him why he thought I’d pay since I’ve been very clear about my rule but he couldn’t give me a reason other than it being his birthday.

OP said he knew her rule and that she would be happy to pay for his wine and salad but not the meat.

I told him I’d pay for the wine and the side salad, but he’d need to pay for the steak.

Her boyfriend stormed off. OP paid her portion of the bill and went to find him. He was still shocked she hadn’t paid for his steak.

He was furious with me and stormed off to the bathroom.

I paid for my meal, the wine and the salad and waited for him to come back.

He didn’t. After waiting for 20 minutes, I left.

I found him sitting on a bench near where we parked the car. I asked him why he left and reminded him he needed to pay.

He looked shocked when I said that and asked me if I didn’t pay. I told him I’d paid for everything but the meat and he lost it.

He started yelling at me, telling me I was selfish, that I needed to grow up. I stayed calm and told him he needed to go back and pay.

He scoffed and walked away. I ended up driving home without him.

Since he never went back and paid now he’s blaming her for not being able to go back there again.

Now he’s saying it’s my fault that he can’t show his face in his favourite restaurant since he dined and ditched. It’s a pretty small restaurant so he’d 100% be recognised and kicked out.

So, aita?

It seems like OP is asking Reddit a question she already knows the answer to, but here we go…

The top comment says that even if she wasn’t a vegetarian, his expectations are off.

Source: Reddit/AITA

They said he is caring more about his budget than hers.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And of course, OP got himself banned from the restaurant.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Regardless of how he is most of the time, these are red flags.

Source: Reddit/AITA

They say he’s extra gross if he never goes back to pay.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This guy, y’all.

I don’t like it one bit.