They Gave In-Laws A Free Place To Live In Exchange For Babysitting, But Things Change When They Don’t Hold Up Their End Of The Bargain
by Ryan McCarthy
Working from home has been the silver lining of Post-Covid life.
It doesn’t get much better than taking calls in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts and eating a bowl of Lucky Charms during your noon meeting.
But it does pose someĀ unique problems, like having a call with your CEO interrupted to change a dirty diaper!
This user learned that all too well when the in-laws she let stay at her house went back on their agreement to watch her daughter for the day.
When she asked them to keep their end of deal, things got ugly, and she ended up going to Reddit to see who was in the wrong.
AITA for threatening to make my in-laws homeless if they cannot understand what working from home means?
I (F38) am the primary breadwinner for my household. My husband (42) is semi retired due to an injury at work.
He is a great husband and has taken over all the housework that needs to be done during the day. We share all the duties when I’m not working.
Recently his sister, her husband, and their two teen kids lost their home.
We have a rental suite in our basement that we just use as a family area so we agreed to let them live there. Because I’m paranoid I had them sign a lease.
A very generous thing for her to do, times are tough and its an act of kindness like this that you think people would be extremely grateful for.
A few days ago my husband had an opportunity to do some consulting at his old work. It was short notice so we hadn’t arranged babysitting.
We asked his sister to watch our youngest for the day so he could go work and she agreed.
Having to babysit every once in a while for a free place to live doesn’t sound like too bad of a trade-off, does it?
Well apparently it was too much for the sister-in-law.
She then delegated the task to her 13 year old son. Then she had her nap.
The kid didn’t want to disturb his mom during her nap so he banged on my door while I was working to change a diaper.
Fair enough, if I were a 13 year old boy I might not feel comfortable changing a baby girl.
I asked where his mom was and he said she was napping.
I woke her up and told her that she had agreed to watch her niece and to do so.
And now things get sticky…
I waited for my husband to get home and we discussed his family.
We decided together that they needed to start paying the amount on the lease, leave, or start helping around the house.
They said I was a jerk for tricking them into signing a lease agreement and then not collecting it so I could evict them.
She’s the one letting you stay in her house, I don’t think asking you to help is the same as tricking you!
I said that wasn’t the only choice. I said that she was the one who chose to lay of a responsibility on a child.
I said that I was basically the one supporting her and if she couldn’t help then she had to give me money or leave.
While she obviously wasn’t crazy for asking them to help around the house, she went to Reddit to see if she had crossed the line in threatening to kick them out.
Let’s see what people had to say…
Another user pointed out how the biggest problem was that the user didn’t even know that her nephew was the one watching her infant daughter!
And this person pointed out how many jobs were hiring, and suggested her in-laws start working to support themselves if they didn’t appreciate her kindness!
Here’s the thing… this was one incident.
The idea that she’d change the whole situation because one task wasn’t completed seems unreasonable.
But maybe that’s just me.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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