January 9, 2024 at 6:56 am

Dermatologist Shares What You Should Never Do If You Get A Wart, Plus 4 Other Helpful Tips

by Laura Lynott

Source: TikTok/@skinyoureinblog

For some of us a trip to the dermatologist is something we could do without right now and this kind TikToker is helping us avoid that.

But some of the photos might freak you out a bit – ugh. Still, great advice!

Source: TikTok/@skinyoureinblog

@skinyoureinblog told her followers: “Here are five things I would never do as a board certified dermatologist.”

Source: TikTok/@skinyoureinblog

“One I would never pick at or chew on any warts that I have. Warts are caused by the HPV virus and can be easily spread when you pick up and result in multiple warts from just one wart and I’ve definitely had patients who chewed on their warts and have developed warts around their mouth.

Source: TikTok/@skinyoureinblog

“If you do develop a wart, I recommend applying over the counter compound w to the wart at thin layers all you need and then cover it with duct tape.Do that about five nights a week. Sleep on it overnight, wake up in the morning, remove the duct tape rinse off your hand and go about your day. Do that for about a month or two and if you’re not seeing any improvement, then see a dermatologist for other treatment options.”

For the other four tips watch the clip!


nothing gives me the ick more than seeing people walk barefoot through the airport 🤢🙅🏽‍♀️#5thingsiwouldneverdo #dermdoctor #footfungus #toenailfungus #naturaldeodorant #warts #wartremoval #spaceheater #greenscreen #dermatologist

♬ What You Won’t Do for Love – Bobby Caldwell

Here’s what people thought of this clip:


Source: TikTok/@skinyoureinblog

Who knew…

Source: TikTok/@skinyoureinblog

Apparently some are…

Source: TikTok/@skinyoureinblog

I would definitely take her advice.

Especially that nasty business about the warts.

That photo is going to give me nightmares!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a Costco customer who got their cart stolen… so she hatched a plan to get it back!