Girlfriend Demands Man Waive His Parental Rights, Then Demands He Pay Child Support After 13 Years Without Contact
by Ryan McCarthy
When a couple suddenly finds out they’re expecting a baby, things can get messy.
Normally you hear about men getting cold feet and wanting nothing to do with their child, with the woman having to beg for the baby’s father to support them.
But that’s not always the case.
Sometimes the father-to-be wants nothing more than to be a part of their child’s life, like this guy who turned to Reddit after a tricky situation arose when the mother of his child asked him to start paying child support 13 years after telling him he would have nothing to do with his son.
The man proceeded to ask Reddit if he was in the wrong for refusing to pay, so check it out and see what you think!
AITA for not paying any child support?
My ex-girlfriend, Claire (35F), got pregnant while we were dating.
Although she told me she just wanted to be friends, I was ready to be a father.
But she stood firm.
However, she met someone else, Becca, who didn’t want me around, so they asked me to cancel my paternal rights.
At the time, I was torn because I wanted to be there for my child, but I also felt that if they didn’t want me around, it was best to waive my rights.
After fighting for a while, I eventually gave up because it was clear that they didn’t want me there.
But after forcing him out of his son’s life, his ex had the nerve to askĀ him to pay child support 13 YEARS LATER, when she and her partner hit a financial rough patch!
Fast forward 13 years later, Claire and Becca are going through some stuff, and they want me to pay child support.
However, the court had already ruled that since I waived my paternal rights, I am not legally obliged to pay child support.
And if all that wasn’t enough, she soon told his family about his refusal in an attempt to guilt trip him!
Despite this, Claire is calling me a bastard and a deadbeat, and she’s even calling my family and getting them involved.
Wow. So she’s only willing to consider OP to be her son’s Father when she needs money from him? Talk about manipulating someone’s emotions!
Reddit sided overwhelmingly with the user, with this person saying that if anything, the ex girlfriend is in the wrong for switching up on him and demanding money after forcing him to give up being a father.
Another person said that if the man decided he would contribute financially to his child, he needs to set some ground rules and make sure he has the involvement he wants in his child’s life.
And finally, this Redditor and many others suspected that the ex-girlfriend had intentionally gotten pregnant so her and her parter could keep the child, which from the sound of her, might not be too far off!
The kid didn’t do anything and deserves the support of his dad.
On the other hand, that mom is a piece of work.
This really is a tough one.
If you thought that was an interesting read, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, boyfriend, child support, children, family, girlfriend, kids, reddit

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