He Brought His Young Daughter To A Party At His In-Laws’ House, But Found Out Later That She Wasn’t “Family” So She Shouldn’t Have Come
by Matthew Gilligan
If you’ve ever been in a situation where you weren’t allowed to bring a friend or a family member to an event, then this story will resonate with you.
And it might make your blood boil, too!
Was this guy out of line for bringing his own daughter to a family party?
Read on to get all the details.
AITA for bringing my daughter to my in-laws’ party?
“I (33M) have been with my wife (33F) for 6 years and married for 3.
We have a 4 year old son together and I also have a 9 year old daughter that I have sole custody of from a previous relationship (it was barely a relationship honestly.)
They assumed this was a “family” gathering.
Recently my sister-in-law invited us to a restaurant for her birthday and she told my wife to bring “the family” which I took to mean my wife, me, our son and my daughter.
My in-laws have known my daughter since I’ve been with my wife, they’ve watched her grow up, I just assumed she was part of the family now.
My wife went to my SILs house and the plan was for me to go to meet them at the restaurant with the kids a little later on.
Then his wife blindsided him.
Everything was fine at the meal but once we got home and the kids were asleep my wife got really annoyed at me for bringing my daughter.
She said I was wrong for bringing her because she’s not family and that my SIL didn’t want her there.
I’ve honestly never got the impression that my daughter wasn’t welcome at family events (on my wife’s side) and no one told me not to bring her.
A couple in-laws have been messaging me and calling me things for bringing my daughter.
My mother-in-law told me I was trying to force them to accept my daughter as family.”
Let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this.
This person said he’s NTA at all.
Another individual said he needs to have a serious talk with these people.
This Reddit user talked about how it works in their family.
And so did this reader…
And this individual talked about what this guy DESERVES.
Sounds like this family drama might be sticking around for a while.
And that’s no good!
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parent’s 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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