Manager Makes A Deal With New Employee Then Takes It Back, So They Get Revenge And Cost Them 30% Of Their Business
by Matthew Gilligan
You’re about to read about a blunder of epic proportions in the workplace…
It comes to us from Reddit’s “Pro Revenge” page and we think you’ll find it quite satisfying!
Read on and see what you think about how this person handled a tricky situation.
Was five minutes worth 30% of your global market?
“So I used to live in Deutschland, and upon returning to the UK, I began looking for work.
He just needed a job to pay the bills.
Being a simple man of simple needs, I quickly found employment in the marketing department for a medium sized industrial manufacturer. It was a little below my experience level and qualifications but I take what I can get, because I am a simple man.
At the final interview, I mentioned it would be top banana if I could arrive five minutes early and leave five minutes early on most days, so I could catch my train.
With a smile, my new boss (hereafter referred to as Mentirosa) said of course – it’s only five minutes and I’d still be working the full eight hours!
No problem, and welcome aboard!
This place was a mess.
My first day comes and I ride the choo-choo all the way to my new workplace, eager to begin.
I quickly learn that the lunch room is pure stank.
Senior staff put their name instead of mine on any trade article I get published, and that our job mostly consists of extorting money from our own sales staff, but that’s life.
I am a simple man and so I set about my labours, glad to earn a crust.
Then he got some news…
What really flogged my noggin, however, is La Mentirosa calling me into her office on my second day and telling me I can’t leave early again because it is unprofessional.
I remind her of the conversation we had in which she said, with her mouth, the words ‘it will be no problem for you to arrive and leave five minutes early.’
She smirks and replies ‘maybe I said that, but is that written in your contract?’
Touché, you big ol’ Mentirosa, touché.
I shrug and get on with life, because that’s life, but of course I start looking for other work. By making me stay the five minutes, La Mentirosa makes me miss my train and turns my two hours daily commute into a four hour one.
I do not want this. I am a simple man and need my downtime.
Then, a big surprise…
About two weeks later, the company goes on a firing spree. One of those people fired is me, because I have been quite openly looking for for other work.
I am given two weeks notice and smugly told I am not good enough for this place, and that I will never work in the area again because of La Mentirosas ‘contacts’.
As she snapchats this news to the rest of the team (I joke not) I reflect that she is probably right, as I am a simple man.
Among the other victims of the purge is the regional sales manager for Germany. This is more important to the company than my meaningless departure, since the company also decided to end the contract with their biggest German distributor and so suddenly a huge part of the company’s core market is not active and they have no salesman to find them a new distributor!
She had forgotten about something!
Management panics until La Mentirosa remembers that her despised marketing bandit is a fluent German speaker, and so the fun begins.
She asks me to step up to the plate. “Be a buddy ol’ pal, I didn’t mean it when I said you’d never work in this town again!”
I am a simple man, so rather than point out that I am not being paid anywhere near what I could earn as a translator, rather than remind them that they have just fired me and I am not their friend anymore, rather than asking “is it written in my contract?” and then smirking like an obnoxious dingwall on a high horse made of douche, I instead swallow my pride and agree to help out.
It is here that the twin revenges, named Inadequacy and Abandonment, make their entrance.
It was revenge time.
Firstly, Inadequacy.
During every conversation I mention my job title; Advertising Assistant. When the friendly Teutons politely ask why a lowly assistant is negotiating this kind of deal, I simply explain that the regional manager was let go and there is no formal replacement.
This is entirely true, but is also a huge red flag for any serious company, especially well-established German manufacturering firms, and combined with the temporary uncertainty regarding Brexit (which had been announced only a few days prior) was enough to kill any interest they had in becoming our next distributor.
Secondly, Abandonment.
As I am a simple man I forgot to tell La Mentirosa that I had already received, and accepted, another job offer.
She was thrilled at the praises she was getting from management for finding a stopgap solution to the catastrophic damage they had done themselves, and she asked me if I could actually stay on with the company until they secured a new distributor, since I obviously had nothing better to do with my time, being fired and all.
I assured her there were no hard feelings over my firing, and that I would stay to help as long as I could.
This lady was really in for it!
On the day I was originally due to leave, I held my calls, drew up a summary of where we stood (it was effectively a sad emoji followed by a poop emoji), handed it to La Mentirosa and explained I was leaving to enjoy a week of holiday followed by starting a new job in a different field.
She sputtered. She couldn’t believe it! She thought I would stay longer to help clean up the mess!
They still had no distributor and no sales manager for Germany! They were hemorrhaging money!
She called me out, reminding me that I had said I would stay, but I am a simple man and so my only reply was; ‘maybe I said that, but is that written in my contract?'”
Check out what people had to say.
This person talked about upper-management incompetence.
Another individual knows all about this mindset.
One Reddit user summed it all up.
One individual likes their writing style.
And this individual said this person needs to focus on writing all the time.
Hey, just being honest!
You get what you ask for!
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · business, employment, jobs, money, reddit, top, white text, work, working

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