Her Half-Sister Wants To Her To Move In So They Can Be Closer, But She Insists That She Doesn’t Owe Her Anything
by Matthew Gilligan
Family drama is alive and well, friends!
And this time it comes to us from someone who had to tell her half-sister how she really felt about living with her…
Read on and see if you think she took things too far.
AITA for telling my half sister I don’t owe her us living in the same house?
“My half sister and I share a mom. She passed away when I was 6 and my half sister was 18 months old. I lost my dad when I was 2 months old.
Mom married my half sister’s dad when I was 4. He didn’t adopt me and then mom passed away.
I vaguely remember a social worker talking to me at the time and maybe a judge but I’m kinda fuzzy.
My dad’s brother and sister in-law won guardianship over me. I do remember wanting to live with my uncle at the time. I also remember saying that to those who asked me.
These memories aren’t good ones…
I do have one memory of my sister’s dad that sticks out and it was not a happy one.
But I don’t remember a lot about living with him specifically though I remember my mom reasonably well.
She had a lot of problems and I have no idea if those existed before my dad’s passing away or if they were things that happened after.
My half sister and I see each other once a month and that has been the schedule ever since custody was figured out.
My half sister always wanted more but I was okay with seeing her once a month.
Over the years she told me I should move in with her and her dad and I always said I was fine not doing that.
She would ask me why I called my dad dad instead of calling her dad dad.
I told her we had different dads and she would always say her dad claimed two daughters and that I was the other one.
I would show her photos of my dad and she would get a little frustrated with me because he passed away when I was so young while I have memories of her dad.
She won’t let up…
In the last year she has been more obsessed with me moving in with them. I’m 16 now and I’m happy where I am and I don’t want to live with them.
I have always told her I’m happy at home with my family and she will tell me she and he dad are my family.
I lost my temper with her a couple of months ago when she mentioned it again to me.
I just got so tired of hearing it. She got upset and asked for our visit to end early.
Then last month we had our visit a week before Christmas and she came with this idea that I owe it to her to move in with them because I’m her big sister and I’m the one who chose not to stay with her and her dad.
She finally had to be honest with her.
She said it means so much to her and all that and that if I want to be a good big sister I would do it for her.
I told her I don’t owe her that. I don’t owe us living in the same house. I told her that is not what I want or am willing to make happen.
She got really mad and yelled at me.
Then her dad called my uncle and raged over the phone about my saying that to my half sister and claiming I should have more tact.
Check out how folks reacted to this story on Reddit.
This person thinks they’re NTA.
Another individual made a good point.
This reader shared some advice.
Another person agreed they’re NTA.
And this individual thinks the dad should be doing a lot more here…
Hopefully they can work this all out…
If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!

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