So She Went On A Vacation With Her Boyfriend Instead Of Her Niece, And Now Her Dad Is Livid
by Matthew Gilligan
I’m at the age now where I need my vacations with ZERO distractions and ZERO drama.
So I can understand where this woman is coming from…
But not everyone sees it that way!
Check out what she had to say in the story below and see if you think she acted like an *******.
AITA for cancelling my niece’s trip so I can go on one with my boyfriend?
“So I(26F) initially planned on going with my niece(11F) and brother (37F) on a trip to her mother’s home country during summer vacation.
This was going to be a big trip.
My niece’s mother passed away when she was less than a year old and the trip was going to be the first time my niece would be visiting her mother’s home country.
As well as the second time she gets to see her maternal grandparents since her mother passed.
But there are some issues…
However my niece suffers from attachment issues which cause her to have severe anxiety. As a result she has panic attacks whenever she goes to unfamiliar places without her dad or I present.
Short trips to nearby places are fine with just her dad but because this trip will be for a month and somewhere faraway that is very different from what she’s used to, I have to be present for the trip to happen.
I had agreed to the trip about a year ago under the pretense it would likely happen in July of this year.
Last month my boyfriend (26M) asked me to spend two weeks with him and his family in Italy during August, I agreed as it wouldn’t interfere with my niece’s trip.
Someone threw a wrench in the plans.
However, last week my brother told me that he could only get time off for the last two weeks of July and first two of August during summer vacation. This interferes with the trip to Italy.
My boyfriend can’t reschedule as it is the only time that works for his family.
I asked my brother about moving niece’s trip to sometime during the school year but she has recitals and events that she can’t miss.
And then she got some inside info.
Originally I was planning on missing the trip to Italy but after speaking about it with my boyfriend’s sister, she hinted at my boyfriend proposing to me during the trip.
My boyfriend and I have been together since we were in high school, and a large reason why we aren’t engaged yet is because my niece’s dependency on me.
He’s been more than understanding towards the situation which would make me feel awful if I delayed his proposal for my niece again.
She made a decision…
To be honest, I’m also tired of having to put my life on hold for my niece, so I told my brother I couldn’t go on the trip with them. Which essentially meant he had to cancel the tip.
He was very mad at me, probably the most mad I’ve seen him since niece was born and called me an ******* as well as some other choice words for accepting to go on another trip when I had already agreed to this one.
I was taking my niece to therapy this week, and the therapist pulled me aside to tell me how much my decision was hurting my niece. S
he didn’t sound like she was blaming me but it made me start to rethink my decision.
I brought it up with a few friends and the reactions were mixed.
Now let’s see how Reddit users responded.
This person said she’s NTA and explained why.
Another individual said her family members need to see a therapist.
This Reddit user said she’s NTA.
One person said this is really unfair to her.
Sounds like this dad is well intentioned, but have some compassion for your family, dude!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, am i the asshole?, family, reddit, relationships, vacation

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