When His Partner Had An Affair, He Got Revenge On The Affair Partner By Getting Them Fired And Barred From Two Countries
by Trisha Leigh
Relationships, man. Most people desire one, but so often, we’re not happy with what we’ve got in the long run.
And that’s when the trouble starts – and sometimes where it finishes.
OP and his partner were drifting apart, but he was slow to see the writing on the wall.
Partner and I were monogamous for 10 years. Sure we had an occasional threesome before that. But nothing long term.
I know I am potentially going to get a few people who will say that’s where it all started. The understanding was that we would not do anything behind the other’s back.
And whomever we brought into the relationship would be an equal in the relationship. We wanted to have our couple evolve into a thruple.
Needless to say, it didn’t work out. We tried and basically the last person we tried to court ended up gaslighting me and playing the victim with George.
Admittedly I wasn’t bringing my best self to the relationship. Two people who basically raised me died and I was in mourning. And I was focused on the rest of my family whom I love dearly.
Partner uses my lupus and choosing to spend time with family as his justification for cheating and lying to me about it.
D-DAY: Spread over a few days before covid lockdowns. In March, my partner had told me he wanted some time apart.
I initially agree, but then things just didn’t seem right. I thought we were fine relationship-wise. But something seemed a miss.
I have my own place and I give him some space.
Even after catching his partner in a lie, he couldn’t be sure what was going on.
D-Day 1 – Sunday, he tells me he has a spa session (legit massage) that evening and that he would be busy and wouldn’t be able to meet till late for dinner.
I didn’t think anything was going on behind my back, he said he would call when he was done and not to wait for me for dinner (we were still having meals together since it’s something we were so used to doing together).
I needed some notebook I had left at his place and thinking he was having his spa session, I let myself into his place.
Lo and behold, he’s having dinner with the John. I leave and he assures me that he’s just having dinner with a friend and that his spa session got rescheduled.
I asked, point-blank if anything was going on between them and he said no.
That is, until social media gave up all the details.
D-Day 2 Wednesday – I’m just a complete wreck. I don’t know what’s going on, I don’t know what’s true and what’s real anymore and I get the gut feel that there’s more to George and John than George is letting me in on.
I do some sleuthing and find out that they’re friends on Facebook but not on Instagram. Curious, no? Yet they’ve been liking each other’s posts on Instagram.
I remember George logging into my iPad so I go on and check for any message history. And wouldn’t you know, I see exchanges between them going on for months.
Once again, I ask George who is this person whom he’s friends with on Facebook but not on Instagram and why are their interactions so bizarre.
George tells me he’s just a friend nothing more, and that I’m crazy.
My blood must have been boiling at this point. I then remind him that he’s still logged into my iPad and his face just changes.
He tells me that I betrayed his trust and that I really shouldn’t have done that. He must have been in full-blown panic mode.
In their messages, I find out that they’ve been seeing each other since September 2019. I had an emergency appendectomy in October 2019 (turns out what I thought was indigestion was actually chronic appendicitis and it had finally ruptured, and the very next day while I was recovering in the hospital.
George and John went out for dinner and John stayed over after. No prizes for guessing what happened that night.
They’re talking about me in their conversations, and they even arranged to meet on Monday (after D-Day1). John asked if I would show up again and George said that I wouldn’t.
OP wanted revenge, so he brought in some experts.
At this point, my whole life before just felt like one big fat lie. I’m having plenty of sleepless nights, thinking about how I’m the chump they were fooling for 5 months. I was none the wiser.
Furious, I engaged revenge for hire service. I wasn’t thinking clearly and caveat emptor, I lucked out with a service that did a good job.
I gave them all the information about John I had (not much, just his social media accounts) and they did some investigative work, they dug up quite a bit of dirt on him.
They dug up all kinds of interesting dirt on the affair partner.
Turns out, John was in a relationship as well. (Inform the partner? Check). George wasn’t the only person John was cheating with. They managed to find some chat history of his hookups all the way to 2017.
What’s most interesting is that John enjoyed using illicit substances while having these trysts, complete with contact information of parties involved and locations where it happened.
They dug deeper and found conversations where he would advise friends to commit insurance fraud. Nothing major mind you, but well fraud is still fraud. And from the conversations, it seems that the insurers did pay out for bogus travel delays.
The Revenge Agency then asks me how I would like to proceed with the information. I told them, I just want his life ruined. My life and relationship have been ruined why not share a little the pain I was feeling?
I don’t know if the guy is sorry, but he’s in a sorry state.
The agency said that they had informed all parties involved. Last I heard, his insurance agency’s dropped him (on the basis of encouraging insurance fraud) and he has a criminal record for substance use.
And now that he has a criminal record means he can no longer travel to Canada or Japan (countries he loves to visit). His family knows that he’s been cheating and using substances.
And his partner knows he’s been sleeping around, without protection and without PreP.
tl;dr Mess with me, you better be clean as a whistle or I’ll have you marked as a cheater (or worse) for life.
Affair partner gets substance record, loses $150k a year job and is barred from visiting Canada and Japan due to substance related charge.
Does Reddit love this? Let’s find out!
Lying is never a sign of a healthy relationships.
Some people had questions.
They say there’s never a good excuse for cheating.
And yeah, they’re hoping OP and his partner are no more.
I was hoping he wasn’t going to let his partner off the hook.
He said in the comments he’s cooking up even more revenge.
If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · partner, picture, polyamory, pro revenge, reddit, revenge agency, ruining affair partner, top

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