Her Family Found Out She Can Cook And Berated Her For Not Pitching In, So She Responded By Not Attending A Family Event With Her Daughter
by Matthew Gilligan
Can these folks just bite the bullet and go to a family counseling session together?
Because I think that’s the only thing that’s gonna get them all on the same page!
But first things first…
Read the story below and see if you think this mom was out of line for what she did.
AITA for pretending I can’t cook and not allowing my daughter to attend Easter?
“I 30 female am married to my husband Mike 32. Mike usually does all the cooking and it works for us. Sometimes I cook as well but it’s very few and far between.
Mikes family likes to have potlucks where the women all bring different dishes. I am a good cook but I don’t enjoy it so we’ve always just said I can’t cook. We’ve been married 3 years and this hasn’t been an issue.
Mike and I have a daughter who’s 5. She mentioned to my sister in law how mommy makes the best seafood casserole while trying my sister in laws.
My sister in law mentioned something about the comment to my husband and he explained how I just don’t enjoy cooking so I don’t do it often and don’t want to cook for family parties.
That didn’t go over well…
My sister in law told my mother in law and all the women in Mike’s family have been texting me that I’m selfish for letting them do all the work at family parties.
So I said I don’t enjoy cooking and will not be cooking for a family party. We all went back and forth a few times so I said the next family party (Easter this weekend) my daughter and I will not be attending then.
It’s getting uglier.
My mother in law said I’m an ******* for not allowing my daughter to attend saying it’s manipulative and that I should just make the dish and suck it up like everyone else.
My husband said he’s staying out of it right now but that he understands my position. He said maybe just make a dish one time to have peace on Easter and I refused.
So AITA for pretending I couldn’t cook for all these years? And for not allowing my daughter to attend Easter?”
Check out what folks had to say about this.
This person nailed it.
Another individual called her an *******.
This Reddit user shared their thoughts.
One reader talked about being an adult.
This Reddit user said she SUCKS.
Family drama, folks…
It never ends!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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