June 17, 2024 at 8:33 am

Real Estate Agents Tried To Charge Him When He Asked About Moving Out, So He Got Revenge In The Costliest Way Possible

by Abby Jamison

Source: Reddit/pettyrevenge/Pexels/IvanSamkov

No matter where you live, renting and working with real estate agents comes with tons of strings attached.

In this case, the RAs tried to charge this tenant after he questioned moving out. He found a way to get petty revenge in the best way!

Here’s the full story…

Cost my Real estate agent $$$

I was renting a house with pool ( Australia) In Oz.

RA have a reputation for being wankers (well deserved tbh).

They inspect every 3 months and even for them they were picky. It turns out a neighbour told us a relative of the RA owned it.

Finally we bought our own place. The lease was 12 months and said we had to pay a break fee of 6 weeks if the landlord wouldn’t agree to waive it.

This is where the conflict starts…

I approached the RA and asked if I gave them three months notice and they rented it would they forego the 6 weeks as they would not be losing any rent.

“No” was the instant answer. Hmm ok I thought not a lot I can do.

A couple of days later I look out my window and see a big To Let sign in the lawn.

I’m like wtf! I went out pulled the sign up and dumped it out the front.

Called the RA.

“Yes you’re leaving in 3 months so I’m entitled to do that” But of course as they wouldn’t play nice I replied “ No I’m not leaving we changed our minds.”

I hadn’t given notice etc.

A few days later an unhappy chap in a truck collected his sign.

It doesn’t stop there, though…

That’s the end of that I thought, but no. Several days later I got a mail telling me that there’s an open house Saturday.

For the non Australians, when you give notice, they have the right to show tenants round the house whilst you’re still living there.

I called again. “Yes we’re having one, it’s in the contract”.

“Yes but I have 3 months left on my lease and I’m not leaving. So no there will be no open house until then.”

Two days later I receive a bill for $250 for cancelled advertising.

This time my sunny disposition is wearing thin. I mail the office back saying that they are now harassing a tenant with a lawful lease.

If they didn’t stop I would be reporting them to every agency I can think of.

I get a mail back saying “ This invoice has been cancelled.”

He got his revenge…

Imagine my utter pleasure when on the day that I had originally told them we were leaving I went into the office and broke my lease.

I thought her head might explode.

The further kicker: that house was empty (pre Covid) for a good 3 months after we left.

So because they were greedy and wanted my 6 weeks they lost 6 weeks rent.

Let’s dive into the comments…

This person thinks RAs suck, no matter where you live!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another commenter related to the story.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Overall, it was a great, petty revenge!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

That’ll show those real estate agents not to mess with their residents!

At least, for a few minutes until they’re onto the next.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.