All She Wanted Was A Clean Car, But Her Boyfriend Didn’t Want To Change His Filthy Pants Before Getting In
by Jayne Elliott
Some people keep their cars immaculate, while others really don’t seem to care one way or the other.
If you’re living with the former sort, though, you know how it is.
One woman shared a story about what she thought was a reasonable request to keep her car clean.
As a result of her request, her boyfriend ended up getting very upset at her.
Let’s see why he was so upset…
AITA for asking my boyfriend to change out of his dirty grease caked pants before sitting in my car?
So my (33F) boyfriend (27M) works at a chicken restaurant and often works the deep fryer.
As a result, his work pants are often very dirty, literally caked in deep fryer grease and god knows what else in some places.
I often give him rides to and from his work because he doesn’t have his driver’s license.
The passenger seat of my car keeps getting stains, and I am trying to keep it clean, especially now that I am planning to trade the car in sometime in the next year.
She has a request…
In the past I have asked him to change into cleaner pants before getting into my car when I pick him up from work.
He usually does this with no issue.
This morning, the boyfriend had a different reaction.
I offered to give him a ride to work this morning since it takes him about an hour to walk.
As we were putting our boots on to leave, I noticed he was wearing his dirty grease caked pants and asked him to change into cleaner ones before sitting in my car.
He proceeded to freak out saying that he doesn’t have time to change back into his work pants when he gets to work without being late.
I told him he would not be sitting on my car seats in those filthy pants.
He still refused to change his pants and decided to walk to work instead which would make him about 40mins late.
The argument was intense.
We got into a screaming argument because I was like “Why are the only 2 options you wearing your dirty pants in my car or walking and being 40mins late? Why are you choosing to be 40mins late instead of simply choosing to change your pants and maybe be a couple mins late???”
And him screaming about me choosing my car seats over him being at work on time.
I was going to give him a ride. I only wanted him to wear cleaner pants while he was sitting in my car.
When he left, the argument continued.
He left and walked and sent me the following texts:
“This is ridiculous. Because of you’re nonsense I’m late again. This is literally the most screwed up thing you’ve done. Don’t text me back. Don’t talk to me when you get home just leave me alone tonight and do whatever you want.”
“I can’t believe you chose a car seat over getting me to my job. I would never do that to you if I had a car but you don’t seem to care when it’s important to me.
“I’m not doing anything for you for a while, wake yourself up.”
I often ask him to make sure I’m up when my alarm goes off, because for a while I had a issue with sleeping through my alarms.
Her boyfriend certainly seemed to take the unreasonable approach considering she’s doing him a favor by driving him to work.
It definitely sounds like it’d be faster to change pants than walk 40 minutes out of spite.
Let’s see how Reddit readers reacted.
This reader thinks her boyfriend needs to makes some changes.
This person thinks the boyfriend should always walk.
This reader offered an easy solution to the problem.
Another reader is bothered by the boyfriend’s pants for a different reason.
Here’s another reader who has another issue with the pants.
Wanting to keep your car clean is not too much to ask!
And yeah, this relationship doesn’t sound worth keeping.
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