Daughter-In-Law Missed The Family Photo Because She Wanted To Fix Her Hair, And Now She’s Demanding They Retake It To Include Her
by Sarrah Murtaza
Some family traditions are the loveliest ones! It really is wholesome to see everyone in one frame!
But things can get a little grainy sometimes.
Find out how this family event got a little bitter.
AITA for not retaking the family photo since my DIL was not in it
Every couple of years we get everyone together and do family a giant family photo. In total it is about 40 people.
They have a sweet tradition.
Our last one was in 2018 and we decided to do this again. I organize the whole thing and everyone was told that small pictures will be done at 4 and the big picture was at five. Afterwards we get dinner.
The issue is that my son and DIL were running late. Wasn’t a big deal since it was just small pictures. They get here in time for the large picture.
There were clear instructions!
I asked everyone to be there on time.
I called twice asking if anyone is missing. Everyone is lined up and the photographer takes like 15 minutes of the big picture.
Everyone wanted to get out of it.
Everyone is hungry and hurrying to get food. My DIL soon comes out asking about the picture. It is around 5:30 at this point.
She told me that she was in the bathroom fixing her hair when the picture was being taken. She asked me to round everyone up again to get a picture
She got her answer!
I told her no, that she was late coming to the event and couldn’t care enough to actually be on time for the picture. I am not gathering everyone up again and paying the photographer an extra hour ( he was done and packing up at this point)
There was some debate afterwards!
This caused a huge argument between her and me.
My son is demanding I get her in the picture and I told him to pay someone to photoshop her in
Her being in the picture mattered more than her hair! Only if she knew that!
Plus, 39 people waiting for one person?!
Let’s check out what the Reddit family thinks about this story.
This person knows its the DIL’s fault all the way!
This person wants to know where the husband was?
This person thinks photoshop is the best choice!
This person blames the husband.
Another commentator wants the son to stand up for his wife.
Does family drama ever end?
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, daughter in law, drama, family photo, fight, gathering, large group, picture, reddit, top

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