July 3, 2024 at 2:47 am

Girlfriend Surprised Her Boyfriend And His Place With A Revealing Outfit, But His Mom Was In From Out Of Town And They’d Never Met Before

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

Well, this doesn’t sound good…

In fact, I’m gonna go ahead and guess that the woman who wrote this story on Reddit and her boyfriend’s mom won’t be going out for brunch anytime soon!

But did she do anything wrong?

Let’s see what’s going on in this tangled web of drama…

AITA for showing up to my boyfriend’s house to a “family dinner” in lingerie?

“My boyfriend (35) and I (29) have been dating for 6 months.

On Friday night we made plans to have a night in I was going to go over, we planned on making dinner together, watch movies, and I was to spend the night.


On Thursday I had some holiday shopping to do. While shopping after work and saw some cute lingerie, I thought I’d surprise my boyfriend with it on Friday night so I bought it.

Friday after work I took a shower, did my hair, makeup, and got dressed.

It’s pretty cold where we live so I put on some knee high boots, the lingerie and a knee length coat only. And headed to my boyfriend’s apartment.


He gave me a key recently so I used it to get in since he knew I was coming over and had plans together.

To my surprise when I got there he was not alone his mom was in from out of state.

This was my first time meeting her. My boyfriend and his mom kept telling me to take off my jacket but I couldn’t because all I was wearing was lingerie.

After I couldn’t say no any longer, the only thing I could come up with was asking my boyfriend if he could give me my sweats I keep at his apartment because I was so cold.

When we got into his room he asked me why I was being so weird about my jacket and why I wouldn’t take it off.

Well, at least he got a kick out of it.

When I told him, he busted out laughing. I did as well to be fair he told me he was sorry about his mom but she came in out of state on a surprise visit.

After recovering from the laughter my boyfriend said can I at least see it before you change.

I let him because that was the whole point…. He walked over to kiss me while he was kissing me his mom opened the door and lost it.


She started calling me a ***** and screaming about me ******* her son in her face.

My boyfriend was angry and started yelling at her as well about her being unfair and not knocking on the door before opening it.

Needless to say meeting her went terribly, my boyfriend kicked his mom out, and I feel so bad about the whole thing.


Here’s how Reddit users reacted.

This reader shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit

Another individual said she’s NTA.

Source: Reddit

This person got a kick out of this story.

Source: Reddit

Another individual didn’t hold back.

Source: Reddit

And this person chimed in.

Source: Reddit

I blushed just reading this story!

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