July 29, 2024 at 3:48 pm

Her Neighbor Kids Kept Playing On Her Lawn And Blocking Her From Entering Her Home, So She Finally Yelled And Pushed Her Way In. Now She’s Worried Their Parents Will Be Upset.

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Pixabay/Surprising_SnapShots

When living in an apartment, you sometimes have to deal with kids in the area being a little annoying.

What happens when they are constantly making a mess of your area, and even giving you a hard time?

That is what is happening to the person in this story. Let’s take a look.

AITA Pushing Past Neighbor Kids

I (30f) live in an apartment building on the first floor.

I have about an 8×10 grassy area outside of my back door.

Most apartments decorate this space in my housing complex, with grills, furniture, and plants.

I have two outdoor chairs set up, but that is all.

Sounds like a nice apartment building.

My next door neighbors have about a 16×10 grassy area outside of their back door due to the location on the side of the building, as well as access to an unused 24×10 grassy area on the side of the building.

This isn’t a huge deal I guess.

My neighbors Kids have chosen my grassy area as the place to throw around the football (my guess is to avoid their parents really nice outdoor chairs, fire pit, grill and flowers).

Kind of annoying, especially when I want to just sit out there and relax.

They also occasionally choose to sit on my furniture instead of their own.

Which is the most annoying part of it.

Ok, this is definitely crossing a line.

About 6 months ago they started leaving trash laying all around in this area.

I’m guessing someone saw them because a few months ago up came a notice to tell your kids to pick up their trash.

Now, it’s only about 3 plastic water bottles a week I have to pick up.

This weekend (Friday- Monday) my fiancé (40m) was home sick with something flu like.

On Friday about 11 am while he was sleeping the Neighbor Kids (11m &15m) started pounding on my door, look out, they’re hiding and giggling.

I had been on a phone call so I just quietly remarked that there’s people sleeping and on the phone and to please leave us alone.

Now here’s where I may be the AH.

I went out to dinner last night on my only day off with friends.

They brought me back to my house and were coming in to pet the cats, then leave so as not to disturb sick fiancé sleeping.

Nope, this is just unacceptable.

I approached the door and I’m met by 11m’s friends blocking the door saying “what’s the password?”.

I tried to push Past and he shoved his arm in front of me and yelled “what’s the password” while 11m laughed in the background.

I pushed Past and said “I pay rent here and you don’t”, then my friends tried to enter and this kid stood on his tiptoes so he was as tall as them and yelled only a couple inches from the ones face “What’s the password”.

I was angry. I yelled “leave her alone” and they caved and let my friends in.

I know they were Kids and just playing, so am I the AH for reacting the way I did?

I’m so worried their father who is a very large very tall very menacing man is going to come and say something to me about it.


While kids can be annoying sometimes, they should always be respectful of adults, and these kids are crossing that line.

Let’s see what the commenters have to say.

Their behavior is not ok.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It really is time to escalate to the parents.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person recommends getting the police involved.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It really is very disrespectful.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Yup, time to gather evidence.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Keep those kids off of your property!

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.