Seller Sold His Working TV To Someone On Facebook Marketplace, But When He Saw Them Shove It Inside Their Car He Knew It Was Broken
by Mila Cardozo
Selling things on the Facebook marketplace means you’ll be dealing with people you know nothing about.
In this man’s case, he found himself being threatened after the buyers of his TV broke it minutes after they paid him.
Now he is wondering if he should have intervened while they shoved the TV all wrong inside their car.
Let’s analyze the situation.
AITA for letting someone break a tv they just bought?
A little back story I’ve been selling my and my partner’s things on Facebook marketplace because we are moving into an RV soon and won’t have room for a lot of it.
I’ve been trying to sell this TV that works perfectly fine for a bit now and I have a video of it being turned on and off on the post.
The last times I turned it on which was this morning it worked perfectly not even a scratch on it.
My partner and I both carry it to our Kia Soul that had the seats down so we could lay it flat screen facing up to not scratch it or break it and transported it to the meet-up place.
The TV was fine when they delivered it…
I sell it to this person and my partner and I watch as this person is shoving a 55-inch TV SCREEN DOWN into the backseat of a Kia Optima that has a car seat in it.
I asked her at least 4 times if she needed/wanted my help and she repeatedly told me NO.
Okay. But they would be getting a text from them soon.
I got into our car and my partner and I both agreed that this person just broke the screen of the perfectly good TV I just sold them.
They texted me and told me the screen was broken.
I replied with “The screen wasn’t broken when we gave it to you so I don’t know what to tell you. I used it this morning. I transported to you screen up to make sure it didn’t touch anything or get broken.”
Yup. But they felt like it was fair to blame someone else.
They called me a scammer, hurting for money, dishonest, said they were going to call the police on me if I didn’t give them their money back.
They also said that they had my license plate and were going to blast me on Facebook.
I feel like I did my part to make sure the TV got to them safely and I tried to help her several times and got rejected.
This is my first time experiencing something like this.
Imagine blaming someone else for your less-than-smart decisions.
Let’s see if Reddit has any insight into this situation.
A reader shares their thoughts.
This commenter shares their opinion.
Someone mentions that it could have gone badly.
Another reader chimes in.
The buyers broke the TV and there was no safe way to stop them.
It was unfortunate, but not the seller’s fault that this happened.
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