Landscaper Kept Blocking Their Driveway In The Mornings, So Homeowner Made Sure The Spot Was Occupied So He’d Have To Park Further Away
by Benjamin Cottrell
In a bustling neighborhood, good parking spots are precious commodities!
So it goes without saying that no self-respecting homeowner would ever let a landscaper routinely infiltrate their turf.
This homeowner hatched a plan for petty revenge to take back control of their driveway and their morning routine.
Landscaper kept blocking my driveway so now he has to walk over a block from his truck!
My neighbor directly across the street has his yard serviced every Wednesday morning around 7:30.
This is right at the time I am leaving to drop off my kid at daycare and drive to work.
There’s a whole time-consuming process.
I have had to get out of my car, go find the guy in the yard across the street and have him move his truck so I can leave, now at least 4 times since April.
Enough was enough.
I decided that I was done with this dance and decided to park my wife’s car on the street where the landscaper parks his truck on Tuesday nights.
So, come Wednesday morning, he wouldn’t be able to block my driveway.
We also live on a street that you can only park on one side of and the police here ticket very quickly if they see you are parked on the wrong side.
No more cutting corners for this landscaper.
I also have a fire hydrant in front of my house and my neighbor to the north of me parks his truck on the street.
So with all that the landscaper and his big truck and trailer now need to park over a block away and bring all his equipment with him in multiple trips.
Time is precious and no one wants an extra headache in the morning!
What did reddit think of their antics?
Homeowners aren’t the only ones complaining.
This redditor went to great lengths to deal with an issue like this.
It seems to be an industrywide problem.
This user’s anecdote proves things could always be worse.
Looks like this entitled landscaper got what was coming to them.
Sometimes you have to outsmart your way to a hassle-free morning.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad parking, Blocking driveway, cars, neighbors, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, top

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