July 24, 2024 at 4:26 pm

Neighbor Kept Blocking Their Drive, So They Came Up With A Super Disgusting Way To Convince Her To Stop

by Trisha Leigh

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Listen, we’re posting from a sub called petty revenge, so you really can’t get upset if someone grosses you out.

I mean, sometimes the best way to be petty is to almost make someone throw up, right?

This person just happened to have some disgusting goo from their shower drain on hand – and the opportunity to use it.

Check out the details below!

Newish neighbor always partially blocking my driveway.

Although I can swerve around the partial blockage, I got tired of having to do it for the past 6 weeks.

They made it so she would have to move the bin – with a little extra on the handle.

I blocked her car’s forward path with my trash bin today (collection day) except I smeared some fresh/moist shower drain waste, courtesy of the drain snake/auger that I used this morning to unclog ours, on the bin’s handles.

I spread it extra thick and even, this way it’s camouflaged nicely by the black plastic.

The results were extremely satisfying (at least for him).

She has no choice but to move the bin as another member of her household parks extra close and directly behind her car.

I sat on my living room recliner, facing the window and sipping coffee to see her disgusted reaction upon touching the slimey/gooey waste matter.

I actually caught a glimpse of her gagging and nearly throwing up.

I couldn’t contain my giggling as hosed the bin down, like I always do, after collection.


This is almost a little too descriptive.

I bet Reddit is going to love it.

That means they have to love it.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

They don’t think he should stop.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

He could play even harder.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

He could always try talking to her…

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

What fun would that be?

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This is petty, alright.

But effective.

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