July 26, 2024 at 8:44 am

Rude Driver Blocks A Family’s Exit From A Fireworks Show, So Man Blinds Driver With His Headlights To Make A Point

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Pexels/Vishva Patel, Reddit/AITA

Crowded celebrations often bring out the worst in people, especially when it comes to parking and traffic.

When a man selfishly blocked the exit from a parking lot, a man decided shine his headlights in his eyes, illuminating his stubbornness for all to see.

Read on for the full story!

AITA- someone blocked the exit to be the 1st out so I left my lights on

Okay, so my town, like most, has a huge 4th of July celebration. People come from all over the place to watch it.

Well, I didn’t wanna fight the crowd at the park so me, my fiancé, and our two kiddos parked at the middle school which is right across from the park on a hill. Perfect view. Lots of people park there.

Well, my 5 year old has Sensory Processing Disorder and freaked out when the fireworks started, so we sat in the car for a few to watch before ultimately leaving.

Then they hit an obstacle.

As we are pulling out, we get to the end of the road and a man had his car parked blocking the exit.

There was plenty of space for him to pull up or to the side to let us out, and still would’ve allowed him to get out before everyone else. He refused to let us by. So in turn, I left my headlights shining in his face.

Not everyone appreciated this tactic.

My fiancé said I was being petty, and yeah, I was. But I don’t feel like I was the AH.

After sitting there for several minutes, we had a line of cars behind us trying to leave. None of them turned their lights off either.

The rude man started to take notice.

But the man kept looking back at me with his hands on his hips, and my fiancé said I was going to end up causing him to get into it with this man if the man approached us being mean or aggressive.

Tensions rise inside their car.

The show finally ended and the man was, of course, the first one out, but the whole way home it felt tense in the car.

My intention wasn’t to make my fiancé uncomfortable, but I did want to make the man uncomfortable.

He could’ve pulled his car up and let the rest of us out. He didn’t care if anyone else was comfortable so why should I care if he was? Petty- yes. But an AH – I don’t think so.


Not only were the man’s actions inconsiderate, they were just plain unsafe!

Reddit weighs in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

The author didn’t go too far – in fact, he could have gone even further!

Source: Reddit/AITA

Sometimes you have to fight pettiness with more pettiness.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Some people have no consideration for others.

Source: Reddit/AITA

His decision may have illuminated the man’s rudeness, but not everyone appreciated his petty tactics.

While the fireworks show was over, the real drama was just beginning for this couple.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.