She Took Every Safety Precaution To Make Sure The Dogs She Trains Don’t Get Out, But The Neighbors Called The Police Anyway
by Jayne Elliott
It takes a special type of person to train and take care of aggressive dogs, but the dog trainer in today’s story knows exactly what to do.
Unfortunately, the neighbors keep interfering.
Let’s see why the neighbors are making her so upset…
AITA for taking in my home aggressive dogs and threatening my neighbours with legal action for tress-passing?
I (35F) work as a dog trainer and in my free time I take in battered and very abused large breeds.
Most of them have exhibited uncontrollable aggression. I do not take them in lightly and I am aware of the risk.
I have a special part of the house that is under lock and key and inaccessible to my 12 and 14 year olds. They know not to even get near the first month or two around these dogs but even if they want, they can’t.
Around the third month, if everything is going to plan, I do introduce them to the rest of our house.
When I determine, usually around the 6th month, they have recovered completely, I adopt them out.
The neighbors don’t like this arrangement.
Our neighbors have complained time and time again, they are afraid one of these dogs would get out.
I have reinforced cages and training ground that make it impossible for these dogs to even go in my yard. I invested a lot of money to make sure everyone is safe.
No one has gotten out.
I’ve had the police called, CPS.. wildlife control even for some reason. As I am licensed and have all the paperwork and precautions, nothing has come out of it. However, it is wearing me down.
I have at least one visit of some form of government agency checking on a complaint every month.
The neighbors are even bothering her children.
My neighbors would not stop bothering me or my kids when they go over friend’s houses about this.
They beg my children to make me ‘stop’. Like I am an addict or something.
My neighbors are trying to include some sort of a rule with our HOA to make it impossible for me to do this anymore.
Time to find a lawyer.
I got a lawyer after I caught on video several neighbors tress-pass onto my property to make a video of a terrified dog in my house.
I sent the camera footage to some neighbors, and said I will be pressing charges next time someone comes snooping around.
One of the few neighbors that I get along with came over and called me an a-hole. They tress-passed for only a few minutes and a few feet in my property which could have been an honest mistake.
She said I over-reacted to get a lawyer and I was ostracizing everyone even more.
What the heck is going on with these neighbors? Yikes!
Let’s see what the folks on Reddit thought about this really weird situation.
This reader wonders why the neighbors don’t trust the government’s decision.
Another reader suggests taking the neighbors to court.
Another vote for court…
Who is ostracizing whom?
This person also believes the neighbors are the problem.
If only you could choose your neighbors!
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