Their House Was Broken Into And Valuables Were Stolen, So They Sent The Crooks To Jail And Got Back Tens Of Thousands Too
by Matthew Gilligan
If you’re the kind of person who would break into another individual’s house and you’d steal their belongings, you deserve to be hunted down and tossed into the slammer.
But, as we all know, a lot of criminals get away with their bad deeds…but not this guy!
Check out what happened in this story from Reddit.
Break into my house? Go to prison for a year and get ordered to pay me back tens of thousands of dollars.
“This happened about a year ago.
I came home from spending a weekend at my girlfriends to find my condo had been broken into, trashed pretty thoroughly, and about $18,000 worth of camera equipment and electronics stolen.
I made a report with the police, and they did absolutely nothing.
I tried to get in touch with the detective to no avail. Another unit in my condo complex had also been burgled, the took their computer but more importantly their car keys and car.
My keys were also stolen but I think since my car is a manual they elected to take the much more boring automatic car my neighbor had.
A ha!
After a day of trying to get the police to take the matter seriously at around 10:00PM that same night I get a ping.
My laptop had been opened and connected to the internet.
I look for the location and turns out it’s at a hotel about 1/2 a mile from my house.
So at this point I realize I’m not dealing with criminal masterminds.
I ride down to the hotel to see if the desk person will tell me which room their in since I do have a pretty good idea for where the room is, all except for which floor their on.
They don’t of course but as I’m leaving I see my neighbors car just sitting on the street.
We call AAA and the police, steal the car back, and tow it to a different location somewhere else in the neighborhood. Since the thieves still have the keys they could easily just come steal it again.
My neighbor has resigned to re-keying his car and dealing with that expensive headache but it’s still a win to have the car retrieved.
While we were there I thought it would be a good idea to bring the police with me to the hotel desk person but without a warrant or back-up they are unwilling to even knock on the door.
The next morning I get up nice and early, call the detective assigned to my case and he answers!
He had just gotten in and my file is on his desk, I tell him what I know and ask if it’s a good or bad idea to go to the hotel and wait for them to leave so I can confront them and maybe get some of my stuff back.
Time for action…
He says that’s a terrible idea so that’s exactly what I do. This forces his hand somewhat and he ends up meeting me at the hotel with his partner.
Just as I was introducing myself three young males walk past the lobby one of which is wearing my backpack.
I say “Hey! There goes my backpack.” and the detectives detain the young men and find my laptop, my iPad, another laptop (still unknown) and a set of keys.
Now, I don’t know what probable cause really is but three guys walking out of a hotel room with $3,000 worth of my stolen goods seems like it should be.
But no, they knock on the door but don’t enter. Sucks but I have insurance and that ended up covering it.
Now, for the revenge part.
Only one guy was carrying anything stolen so he faces a pretty massive receiving stolen property charge and pleads out to a year in jail.
Not bad, right?
Well in my victim impact statement I talk about how I feel unsafe now, how the insurance company had to pay me out, and I request restitution for the full amount plus the new security system we have installed on our property.
This guy got what was coming to him!
The suspect is staring daggers at me, apparently in the interrogation he was incredibly angry and completely at a loss for how he got caught.
I’m happy enough to fill in the courtroom with those details and I give an interview to a local paper so whenever anyone googles his fairly distinctive name all this comes up.
I have a protection order against him and he’s scheduled to be released soon but with my new security system I don’t think I’ll be having any problems in the future and maybe he learned a valuable lesson.
Probably not, but the felony on his record should be a nice reminder.
Don’t break the law!”
Here’s what people had to say on Reddit.
This person nailed it.
Another individual was impressed.
This Reddit user had a lot to say.
Another person shared a story.
There was some sleuthing going on!
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · crime, jail, prison, pro revenge, reddit, revenge, theft, top, white text

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