Town Council Told Them To Avoid Parking On The Street, But When He Got A Ticket For His Trouble, He Figured They Pave Around Him
by Matthew Gilligan
Malicious compliance stories can be so satisfying, don’t you think?
You better believe it!
And this person tried their best to play by the rules, but they got pretty fed up after they received a fine for doing nothing wrong.
How did they handle the situation moving forward?
Read on and see what you think.
Some parking fines? Fine, some parking.
“This was a year or two ago, the house I was living in has a garage but has been converted to a workshop so I always had to park on the street.
I got a letter from the council to say they they were going to be doing road resurfacing for all the streets in the area and all cars had to be off the road so that they could replace all the asphalt.
They had some questions…
The problem was that they didn’t say what streets or in what order that they where doing them in. So me trying to be considerate, I moved my car off the road and parked in my old driveway between the road and the footpath.
I made sure I was not blocking the footpath or on the grass nature strip.
The very next day I noticed a parking ticket on my car, the reason printed on the fine was vague mentioning obstruction of access so I rang the council.
The conversation went as follows:
Me: “Hi, I received a parking fine that I don’t think is valid, can I get some more information about the road rule violation so that I can contest it and have it cancelled.”
Council person: “Your car was in the way, it should have been parked on the road”
Me: “I moved it off the street as per your request to clear the road and I only parked it in my driveway so that it wasn’t on the bitumen as you hadn’t given any indication on which roads where going to be resurfaced”
Council person: “Then it should have been on a different road”
Me: “Which one? I don’t want to be in the way while you are resurfacing”
Council: “Are you dumb?! If we are working on your street, maybe you could park on Smith street.”
Okay, I’ll do that!
So that’s exactly what I did. Apparently that’s also what the three other people did who also got tickets.
Now Smith street has three patches of old asphalt where the council workers had to carefully resurface around the cars that where parked exactly where we where told.”
Check out what people had to say on Reddit.
This reader has been there…
Another person shared a story.
This person offered some advice.
Another Reddit user didn’t hold back.
Can anybody do their job correctly anymore?
It doesn’t look like it!
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · council, fines, malicious compliance, money, parking, parking fines, picture, reddit, resurfacing, ticket, top

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