July 30, 2024 at 8:22 pm

When A Couple Decided To Block His Driveway With Their Vehicle, He Got Out The Lawn Mower And Made Sure They Regretted It

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Pixabay/MemoryCatcher

Blocking someone’s driveway with your vehicle is never a good idea.

In today’s story, one person found a way to get even with the people who decided to block the driveway.

And I can’t believe those people ever thought it would end well.

Let’s see how the story progresses…

You want to park across my driveway? Fine, do that.

I live on the main road of a tiny town which is on a popular caravan route.

There’s a cafe two doors down.

I frequently get vans parked partially blocking my driveway.

Annoying but if I can get out, no problem.

But sometimes it is a problem.

Today though…. Ah today the boomers didn’t even pretend to try to leave space.

The giant 4 wheeler and massive caravan was parked squarely across the driveway.

The hitch was literally in the middle of the driveway.

It wouldn’t have been hard to avoid the driveway.

All they had to do was park about 10 metres further up the road and there wouldn’t be any issues.

I had just mowed the front lawn.

I normally don’t worry about the nature strip, it’s dry, mostly dirt and gravel and the council looks after it anyway. But today I made sure I have the best tended nature strip in town.

They got even…

Gravel flying everywhere.

Some may have hit the car or van.

Who can tell?

There was definitely a thin film of dust over them at least.

Then the vehicle’s owners appeared.

When the Mrs returned to the car, I did politely point out that they had blocked my driveway.

She had the grace to look embarrassed.

Mr didn’t even have the courage to say anything to me.

They kept mowing.

I didn’t stop until they left.

F them.

It sounds like the couple regretted their actions.

Their silence speaks volumes!

Let’s see how Reddit readers reacted to the mowing revenge.

It turns out they went easy on the vehicle owners considering what some of the people who read this story suggested…

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Here’s another suggestion…

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

And another…

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Or make the car disappear…

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This reader had a suggestion and experience with this scenario.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Don’t block someone’s driveway unless you want to be met with their wrath!

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.