Crazy Neighbor Kept Doing Numerous Illegal Things And Putting Their Family In Danger, So They Finally Got Revenge By Destroying Her Expensive Speakers
by Jayne Elliott
Some neighbors are so crazy that it makes it hard to live next to them.
In today’s story, one neighbor decides to get even by being just as crazy as the next door neighbor.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Crazy neighbors petty revenge falls apart
This isn’t exactly a petty revenge story, but one where I put a stop to a neighbors petty antics with some of my own.
My family lives out in the country, so we don’t really have to deal with neighbors except for one, and she’s as crazy as they come. We’ve got a history of putting up with her nonsense simply to avoid the hassle of getting the police involved.
I’ll start with some craziness we’ve had to deal with in the past and the events leading up to my petty revenge. FYI, our house is fairly close to the property line, which is an important factor in some of her antics.
OP outlines some examples of the neighbor’s petty revenge. The first one involves chickens.
This next paragraph isn’t important, it’s just some of the stories about how crazy she is. You can skip it if you want.
We have a bunch of chickens, and she has a couple too. She never had them locked up or anything, so they decided the grass was greener on the other side and started living with our flock of birds (we didn’t really notice, because we had a couple hundred at the time and there were only 2 or 3 that came over).
Apparently, she thought we stole them, so she came over (trespassing) and caught them and brought them back to her house, but they kept coming back over to our yard.
So she accused us of stealing them, which was preposterous, since we didn’t want them (we show our birds, and hers were just some mixes that were worthless, and we definitely didn’t take them for the eggs since we have to get rid of hundreds of eggs a year).
Another example involves target practice.
Another time, she decided to do some target practice with a friend (who happened to be an off duty cop). So they hung up some targets and went to town.
We have our own guns and like to shoot stuff every now and then, so we would have had no problem with that except for one small thing. They hung the targets up so they were shooting towards our property, and didn’t have a backdrop or anything to stop the bullets.
My sister was outside, and she said she heard popping by her, which turned out the be the bullets pinging off rocks, so she eventually put 2 and 2 together, and GTFO’d.
The neighbor could’ve accidentally killed OP’s sister.
She’s amazingly lucky she didn’t get hit, later we looked where she was sitting and there were marks on rocks ~10 ft from her, but my family must have cats as our spirit animals because everyone has had several accidents where they should have died but walked away without a scratch.
My parents drove over there and gave her the benefit of the doubt and assumed it was just an oversight and asked her to move the targets, but told her if it happened again they’d call the cops which I’m assuming would end up with some pretty hefty charges, for both her AND her cop friend.
This time the neighbor wants to create a path in the woods.
On to the actual story…
It started with her deciding that she wanted some paths back in the woods behind our houses so she could ride her 4 wheeler back there. So she hired a landscaping company to come out and take out a bunch of trees and bulldoze a path back there for her.
Despite having the property line marked, her path went a decent way onto our property. We told her she couldn’t do that, and thought that would be the end of it.
She didn’t agree.
Calling the cops on the neighbor didn’t help.
She started off small, riding her 4 wheeler right on the property line whenever she heard us outside, but we barely noticed.
Then she upped the ante.
We started hearing her radio blaring all the time, including all night long. This actually bothered us, since we usually leave our windows open at night.
We called the cops a couple weeks after the start of this, but they said they couldn’t do anything about it during the day and we would have to call back at night when the noise ordinances were in effect, but that was more hassle than my parent’s wanted since they had to work early and didn’t want to spend several hours on a work night dealing with that.
OP decided to get revenge.
Then one day I was back in the woods cutting up some trees that had fallen in a storm, and noticed that there were a bunch of speakers right on the property line, 6 IIRC and they were decent outdoor speakers, all pointing towards our house.
I decided that if my parents weren’t going to do anything, I would, and started hatching my plot for revenge.
The catalyst for my revenge came about a week later.
The phone company found a big problem.
Our phone went out, a pretty common occurrence, so we thought nothing of it. We called the phone company.
They said there weren’t any outages in the area, so it must be something with our lines. They sent a tech out, he started at the house and couldn’t find anything wrong there, so he checked our box out by the road.
A couple minutes later, he comes back and asks if we had anyone work on it recently.
Nope, nothing of the sort.
Then he took me out and showed me what was wrong.
OP knew the neighbor must have been responsible.
Someone had taken some bolt cutters, cut the lock off of the box and cut a bunch of wires inside, then closed it back up and put the lock back on so you wouldn’t notice unless you took a close look.
I had one suspect on the list.
That night, I went out and took care of business.
This time the revenge worked, and the cops helped out too.
I took a piece of wire and used it reach through the protective screen on the front of them and poke holes in the cones of all the speakers.
A couple hours later, blessed silence. The holes I poked had turned into tears.
I still laugh picturing her wondering how all 6 of her decent quality speakers blew out at the same time.
A week or so later we heard the music going again, and my parents had remembered how nice it was to be able to sleep at night without music blaring, so they called the cops up at 2 in the morning and had them make her shut her one-woman revenge party down.
That neighbor really does sound crazy. I honestly doubt that she’s done with her crazy antics.
Let’s see how Reddit responded…
This reader compared OP to Batman.
Another reader suggests installing a security camera.
Here’s another vote for a camera.
This reader is surprised OP didn’t call the police sooner.
Another reader would’ve called the police right away.
Be careful This neighbor seems like the type who might retaliate.
A security camera would be a very good idea.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bolt cutters, neighbor, petty revenge, phone company, picture, property line, reddit, speakers, top

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