Customer Demands Worker Re-Scan Their Items After Thinking She Was Overcharged, But She Ends Up Almost Paying More Instead While Wasting An Hour Arguing Over Discounts
by Benjamin Cottrell
Working in retail means mastering the art of patience, especially when technology and customers don’t always cooperate.
When one customer refused to accept a simple explanation about promotional discounts, it was clear she was about to learn a costly lesson in the value of listening.
Read on for all the details!
Customer Accuses Me of Ripping Her Off, Almost Rips Herself Off
So I work at a convenience store and our pos system is in fact a POS, so sale prices have to be punched in manually.
They don’t register when items are scanned. This includes promotional discounts for buying more than one of a product.
This throws off the more difficult customers.
Now most customers understand this and don’t pay it any attention, however there are the odd few I have to explain this to.
One such customer refused my answer and demanded I rescan all her groceries because I’m “ripping her off.”
The employee tried to explain, but they may as well have explained to a brick wall.
I told her that this will actually increase her total cost because she wouldn’t be getting her discounts.
She doesn’t believe me, so I just do as she asks and scan everything the “proper” way, and she was livid when her total was higher.
So as any self-respecting employee would do, they call their manager.
I end up pawning her off on the manager who explains the exact same thing I had earlier.
She gets her original price, and wastes about an hour of her life arguing in a convenience store.
Just trusting the employee who knew best would have saved a lot of time here.
Redditors chime in with their thoughts.
Some customers just can’t be reasoned with.
Never mess with a retail worker who’s had a long day.
This fellow customer service worker wouldn’t put up with these shenanigans.
The only thing this customer gained was a higher bill and a bruised ego.
Maybe next time she’ll realize that fighting the system isn’t always the smartest way to save a buck.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · annoying customer, bad customer, checkout, convenience store, customer service, malicious compliance, picture, reddit, top

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