Doctor’s Office Refuses Simple Request For A Chronic Pain Patient, So They Bring A Sleeping Mat To The Waiting Room
by Heather Hall
Waiting to see a doctor is tough enough, but it’s even worse when you’re dealing with chronic pain.
What would you do if your doctor’s office, which is just one minute from your home, refused to make a simple accommodation?
In the following story, a patient finds themselves in this very predicament.
Let’s see how it all went down.
I can’t wait for my appointment at home, literally one minute away from the doctor’s office? Fine.
My general practitioner’s office is two houses away from my home.
I have chronic pain, which is treated with pain meds. I need a new prescription every quarter year, and for that, the doctor needs to see me.
One day, I realized that my pain was so bad I wouldn’t be able to sit for long.
At my doctor’s, you’ll normally have to wait for 40-60 min after your appointment time until you’re called into the office.
I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand this, so I called and asked if they could just call me about 5 minutes before I would be called in so that I could stay at home in bed until then.
They came up with their own solution.
Nope, not possible.
So I took my sleeping mat, rolled it out in the waiting area, and laid down.
Everyone asked what I was doing. I explained that I was in so much pain that I couldn’t sit.
A nice old lady got up, went to the desk, and switched her earlier appointment with mine so I could be seen quickly.
Yikes! Bet that was a little embarrassing!
Here’s what the readers over at Reddit had to say about this situation.
Such an excellent point!
Doctor’s offices do have the worst scheduling systems.
This person may do the same thing.
Here’s someone who’s doctor’s office has no problem letting them wait out of the office.
Gotta do what you gotta do.
Maybe the receptionist will think twice about letting them wait at home next time.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · chronic pain, doctor office, pain meds, petty revenge, picture, receptionist, reddit, sleeping mat, top, waiting room

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