September 21, 2024 at 7:21 pm

He Told His Girlfriend He’d Pick Her Up From The Airport, But When Her Flight Was Delayed He Went Home

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Oleksandr P

When someone tells you they’ll pick you up from the airport, is it your responsibility to let them know if your flight is delayed?

That’s the question in today’s story where one boyfriend doesn’t pick up this girlfriend at the airport because of a flight delay.

Let’s see how the story unfolds…

AITA For not picking up my GF from the airport after I previously said I would

My GF (26F) took a long weekend trip to Nashville with a group of friends this last weekend. They left Wednesday and came back yesterday.

Before she left I had agreed to pick her up at the airport when they came back.

It’s about a 40-minute drive from our place and I didn’t have anything planned yesterday so it wasn’t a big deal.

I texted her yesterday morning to confirm their arrival time so that I could plan when I should leave and she told me they were supposed to land at 3pm.

It turns out that their flight was delayed.

I didn’t hear from her the rest of the day, so I left our place at 2:30pm and arrived at the airport at 3:15 and texted her to let her know I was there.

When I didn’t hear back from her by 4pm, I kind of started to worry.

So I checked their flight status online and found out their flight had been delayed by 2 hours during a layover and wasn’t expected to land for another 90 minutes.

So, I went home. I had no way to contact her so I couldn’t tell her.

OP’s girlfriend was mad that he wasn’t there to pick her up.

About 2 hours later I finally got a call from her and she was asking me where I was.

I told her I was at home.

She got mad at me and asked why I wasn’t there.

I told her I was there at the time she told me, but she neglected to inform me of the flight delay and I wasn’t just going to wait at the airport for 4 hours. I told her to take an Uber.

His girlfriend was still upset when she got home.

I could tell she was pissed and she told me she was tired and exhausted (AKA Hungover) and forgot to text me about the flight delay.

She said she doesn’t want to sit in a strangers car for an hour and just wants to get back home.

I told her I had already driven to the airport once today and I wasn’t going back. And even if I did, it would take me an hour to get there but she hung up on me.

About an hour or so later she got home, threw her bags on the floor, walked to our room, closed the door and locked it.

I tried to go talk to her but she wouldn’t open the door. I ended up sleeping on the couch.

His girlfriend told him multiple reasons why she was upset and what she thinks he should have done differently.

This morning I finally got her to talk to me and she told me her phone died and that was why she couldn’t tell me about the delay and that she was tired and cranky and frustrated when they landed, but that I should have still picked her up because I told her I would.

She told me that the Uber was crazy expensive because they charged her peak rates and after spending a lot on her vacation, she’s pretty much broke.

She told me I should have just found something to do nearby until she landed instead of going home, especially since I had nothing going on.

OP doesn’t believe his girlfriend’s excuses.

When I finally got a word in, I told her that I find it hard to believe she couldn’t find a place to charge her phone during a 2-hour flight delay or have one of her friends text me and that it’s simple courtesy to keep people updated on timelines like that when they are doing you a favor.

I told her I think she was just too hungover or still drunk and didn’t even think about it.

She called me a jerk and told me to F off. She again isn’t speaking to me.

I always check flight status before picking someone up from the airport to see if the flight was delayed or not. It seems like that’s what OP should’ve done before leaving home.

Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…

This reader agrees that OP should’ve checked the flight status before leaving home.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader believes that it could’ve been hard for the girlfriend to find a place to plug in her phone.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader thinks OP might want to break up with his girlfriend.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader points out that the girlfriend’s phone worked when she landed.

Source: Reddit/AITA

If he really cared about her, he would’ve waited for her or at least sent her a text to let her know why he went home.

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