He Took A Curly Fry From His BFF’s Girlfriend’s Plate, But She Reacted With Disgust And The Whole Night Was Awkward
by Ashley Ashbee
There are unspoken boundaries in every social situation. We learn them very young.
However, not everyone will pick up on them and some people may be very offended.
Check out why this double date got super awkward.
AITA for taking a chip from my best friends girlfriends plate on a double date.
Everything was going well on my double date until our food arrived.
I asked my best friend’s girlfriend how her curly fries were and grabbed one.
The fate of that evening was sealed.
She looked at me in shock and disgust and refused to eat her food.
I told her her I was sorry that I didn’t know you didn’t like people touching your plate.
I even offered to buy her a new one. She said no and was stubborn.
It wasn’t fun at all.
Dinner was awkward and very quiet.
On a cigarette break I apologized to my buddy and he said no, it was his girlfriend’s fault and he apologized for her behavior.
We all left the place right after we ate and went straight home.
Here’s what people are saying.
I think I remember learning that while sitting in a circle on the carpet.
I don’t think that’s a good rule of thumb. I could do touch my sister on the face, but I wouldn’t take from her plate. It’s still rude.
This one made me pretty laugh. I agree that curly fries are special.
I hadn’t thought of this. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke.
I wouldn’t say she overreacted, but she didn’t have to make it so awkward for everyone.
I’d still eat the fries after. I love them too much.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, awkward, bad manners, double date, food, picture, reddit, restaurant, top

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