September 26, 2024 at 11:23 am

He Wore A T-Shirt To Protect His Skin And Hide His Blisters, So When The Lifeguard Made Him Take It Off He Didn’t Like What He Saw

by Melissa Triebwasser

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance/Unsplash/Ewan Streit

There are a lot of aspects about society that have changed for the worse over the past couple of decades.

One thing that’s better, though, is that people seem to realize nothing good can come out of commenting on other people’s bodies.

This lifeguard forgot, I suppose, but he paid the price.

Check out the details below!

No shirts down the waterslide? Ok..

Just remembered a story from my childhood and think it might fit..

I’m extremely pale and have wildly sensitive skin. As in, I wear prescription sunscreen to go outside for more than 5 minutes- but I genuinely don’t ever sit in the sun.

I wear huge sun hats and keep myself covered entirely now.

He’s learned an important lesson now, but this story takes place before the learning.

Unfortunately this story takes place when I was about 12, hadn’t yet learned to care about my own safety, and the one time my parents were a bit lax on holiday.

The sunscreen went on, but only once. The results were as expected.

I put regular 50+ sunscreen on in the morning, but I went swimming at the beach then played around for another hour.

By the next day, the doctor said I had severe burns on my back and shoulders. Trust me, this never, ever happened to me again.

I barely get a red nose anymore I’m so careful. Because it was flippin AGONY.

Anyway, the rest of that holiday was pretty rough, but my parents bought me a lot of special clothes to get me through, one of which was a light full body swim costume, a long sleeve t shirt and shorts type, so I wouldn’t have to worry about burning anymore.

It was light enough it didn’t hurt and it meant I didn’t have to miss out on the water park. Which was always my favorite.

A simple solution to a painful problem. But the water park had rules, and those rules would cause some conflict.

Some of the water slides had a rule, no t shirts, but I assumed since mine was proper swimwear it would be ok. Most of the time it was, but one particular time the guy had a problem.

Got to the top of the slide and the guy said no, you have to take the top off. No exceptions. Even though the slide was on an inflatable ring.

Okay, fine, the author says – you asked for it!

So hey, I’m not one to argue. I whipped the top off, to expose my lobster red, severely peeling back to the masses, stuffed the top down my shorts and enjoyed the ride.

I went up a second time, started to take the top off and the lifeguard yelled ‘no!’.

Guess the rule wasn’t so strict after all.

Sounds like the author literally showed him. Let’s see what Reddit has to say.

Reddit’s got jokes.

Source: reddit/Malicious Compliance

And another one.

Source: reddit/Malicious Compliance

The commenters also have similar experiences to share.

Source: reddit/Malicious Compliance

Sunscreen washes off?

Source: reddit/Malicious Compliance

And this commenter offers some good advice.

Source: reddit/Malicious Compliance

His blisters had the waterpark lifeguard seeing red and breaking rules!

I hope this lifeguard learned his lesson!

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.