Her Parents Let Her Build A Tiny House On Their Land, But Her Mom Wants To Be Able To Come In Whenever She Wants… So She Locks Her Out
by Jayne Elliott
In today’s story, a teen builds a tiny house and has it ready for inspection.
The problem is that her mother wants to enter the tiny house, but her daughter locked her out.
Let’s see why the daughter locked the mother out…
AITA for locking my mom out of my house?
I, (18F), was gifted 2 acres of land from my parents that they,(F42) and (M52), no longer could take care of.
The land is in a town over from the one we live in, though both the towns are pretty small so they’re only about 10 minutes away from each other.
The land was left to my father after his mother passed, and for awhile he kept the up keep on it but after having been sick for a few weeks, it was getting pretty over grown and he no longer wanted to care for it.
I proposed that I would take care of it, as long as they put it partially in my name and allowed me to build my tiny home there.
OP finished building her tiny home.
I had been planning to build this tiny home for awhile now, so having this land finally gave me a place to do it. It already had a well and plumbing from a previous house.
My father agreed.
Flash forward to now, my home is complete and fully functional, there is somebody coming to inspect it this week.
Here is where my problem is.
Her mother kept creating problems in the tiny home.
Over the course of my building, my mother has been letting herself in.
Now, every time she’d come in she would mess something up.
She would say she was helping and that she could fix something or that she had an easier way.
OP locked the door to the tiny home.
I had to redo what flooring I’d put in, as she tried to continue it herself and made it off-set where it was supposed to be.
I had to repaint a wall because she messed with it before it was still dry, and other things along those lines.
Until now, I just had a simple lock on the door, but with everything finally being done and ready for the inspector, I couldn’t have anybody messing anything up.
I put a chain and pad lock on the door to my house.
OP’s mother is upset that she’s locked out.
Today my mother called me, asking why I “locked her out of our house”.
I was baffled, and told her that it was my house, and that I couldn’t have anything being messed up. S
he got upset and said “it’s on my land, so it’s my house just as much as it is yours. How dare you say I messed it up.”
I tried to remind her that I didn’t say SHE messed anything up, just that I couldn’t have anything wrong. I reminded her that my name is on the title for the land, and the agreement to me taking care of the land was that I’d get to build.
Both of her parents are upset at her now.
She said once again that it’s her house cause it’s her land.
I got upset and told her “ it’s my house, I can lock you out if I wish. My name is on the title for the land, we had an agreement, and I paid for everything for the house all for myself. It’s my house.”
She hung up the phone, and now both her and my father are texting me, telling me I was rude to my mother and that it’s their house too because they let me use the land.
My dads telling me to apologize and let my mom come over to see it, but I just can’t risk anything being ruined.
I think she should tell her mother she’ll unlock the door after the inspection.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…
This reader suggests looking at property laws.
Another reader suggests getting a lawyer.
This reader agrees OP needs a lawyer.
This reader thinks the mom’s problems are bigger than the tiny house.
This person thinks the parents need to apologize.
OP might want to get a security system.
The parents really need to respect that this is their daughter’s house not their house.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, building project, inspection, parents, picture, reddit, tiny house, top

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