His Boyfriend’s Family Disowned Him When He Was 17, But Now That He’s Deceased They’re Demanding The House They Bought Together. He Refuses To Give Them A Thing.
by Michael Levanduski
When your life-partner passes away, it can be absolutely heartbreaking.
What can make it worse is if their family approaches you afterwards trying to get you to give them the house you and your partner bought together.
That is what the man in this story is dealing with, and he isn’t sure what he should do.
Take a look and see what you think.
WIBTA if I don’t give my late bf’s house to his parents?
My BF [30M, RIP] and I [33M] were together for 15yrs.
I was his sweetheart in high school, and we stayed together until a few months ago when he passed away due bone cancer.
I live in a traditional country where same sex marriage is no legal but is not a big issue socially.
That’s always sad.
His parents kicked him out when he came out at 17, my family took him in, helped him to finish HS and were supportive the most they could.
I work in HR and he worked in IT, since he started to work he made good money.
He saved enough to purchase a house 10yrs ago, he was paying the mortgage all by himself.
4yrs ago he got the diagnosis.
Sounds like they worked together for the house.
He reduced his working hours to take care of his health and I stepped in to pay the mortgage.
It was a hard battle, but cancer took him back in March.
After he passed away, his family appeared in the picture, saying how they regretted not being in his son’s life and stuff.
Time went by and a month ago they reached out to me asking me when they can expect I could give them the keys of the house.
Since same-sex marriage is no legal, they “could” claim the house as their family.
I told them that the house was in my name, I “bought” it from him a year into the cancer, so it was legally mine and I had been paying the mortgage way before it.
They got upset and said I was being unreasonable, that it should be legally theirs, that my BF would have wanted to give them the house, which is in fact kind of true.
That is not the same thing.
My bf talked a lot how he would give everything to them if that would fix the relationship between them.
Actually, he bought the house as a way to bring them live with him so they would no longer rent; he also tried to make amends with them all this time, unsuccessfully.
I told them that I would give them the house for the price I bought it from my BF and they would have to pay me back these 4 years of mortgage + take the debt over their name.
They said they didn’t have the money and that it was so selfish of me to tell them that, knowing what my BF would have wanted.
They proposed just to change the debt onto their name and give me no money in return, I declined.
They are clearly trying to take advantage of the situation.
They got mad and the discussion got heated to the point they told me they would bring me to court accusing me of scamming my BF to have the house (they can’t).
They have been calling and texting me non-stop for the past month, telling me I would be a jerk to my bf if I don’t give them the house.
I know they can’t pay me back all the money I put in the house, but I’m conflicted right now.
Some friends told me that I should give them the house and move on with my life, but it just doesn’t feel right to me.
I’m leaning more onto not giving them the house, but I know my BF would jump the bed and give it to them.
Right now their words feels empty and as if they just want to take advantage of the situation.
I don’t need the house, to be honest, but don’t want to give them either.
We never talked with my bf what should I do with the house after his death.
What a heartbreaking situation, but I think he is making the right choice.
Let’s get some insights from the comments.
Best to ignore them.
They had their chance and they missed it.
They are truly vultures.
They don’t deserve a thing.
They didn’t want him while he was alive, they get nothing in his death.
This is just a family full of vultures.
I’ll never understand how parents can be so awful.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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