September 11, 2024 at 4:51 am

Teacher Refused To Let A Student Go To The Bathroom, But Everybody Regretted The Denial After He Let Loose Massive Gas In Her Classroom

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Canva

Sometimes, teachers implement ridiculous rules inside the classroom, like not allowing students to go to the bathroom during class hours.

It’s like some crazy power trip!

So when this boy was denied bathroom time, he had to release the smelliest, grossest fart inside the room.

Read the full story below!

Refuse to allow me to go to the bathroom? Okay then!

During the seventh grade, I had a history teacher (Mr. G) who wouldn’t really let students go to the bathroom after he put large restrictions on bathroom usage.

I was kind of annoyed, but there wasn’t anything that I could do about it.

This boy asked permission to go to the bathroom, but he was denied.

So one day, during class, I just really, REALLY had to fart.

I didn’t want to do it in class, so I asked Mr. G if I could do it in the bathroom, but he wouldn’t let me.

I asked him again, but he just told me to sit down.

So he farted inside the classroom.

Little old me was pretty mad that my teacher was putting restrictions on my bladder.

I was so mad that I did as he told me to.

However, before I did, I asked him one more time, and he still dismissed me, so I went to my desk and then I farted.

Everyone was grossed out.

It. Was. Glorious.

It was the most gaseous and loudest fart I had ever let out, and after I farted, people had to cover their noses with their shirts because it was SO SMELLY.

Even Mr. G did, and everyone in the room was so disgusted by what just transpired.

The next day, Mr. G had to abolish the rule.

Afterwards, with a smirk on my face, I turned to Mr. G and asked him again if I could go to the bathroom.

He then blushed and said I could.

And after that day, during next period, he lifted the restrictions.

That was hilarious.

Let’s find out what people have to say about it.

This user calls such a policy barbaric.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

It’s a human rights violation, according to this user.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Funny idea from this one.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This user calls the boy a legend! Woohoo!

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Finally, this one shares a similar experience.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Don’t say he didn’t warn you!

Maybe he learned his lesson.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.