September 15, 2024 at 3:48 am

Inconsiderate Roommate Always Makes Too Much Noise And Leaves Their Screaming Tea Kettle Unattended, So Fed Up Roommate Dumps Out The Water To Teach Them A Lesson

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Getty/Bill Oxford, Reddit/Petty Revenge

Living with multiple roommates is often an exercise in diplomacy, especially when dealing with noisy behavior.

When one roommate’s incessant noise and disregard for other’s peace comes to a boiling point, one resident pours out their roommate’s hot tea water and their frustrations.

Read on for the full story!

Roommate wants tea? Too bad

I work from home and so do two of my other roommates.

Roommate 4 has a day job she leaves every day for.

Roommate 5 is a cook so he is usually home during the day and at work from 4-11pm.

This roommate certainly always makes his presence known.

Roommate number 5 is usually a problem with noise.

He blasts music, blares his tv, slams the front door coming in and out 10 times in 5 minutes, etc.

The author tries to be upfront with him, and he’s quick to stop when asked.

I’m not the type to do the passive aggressive text thing, so any time he’s being loud I try to go downstairs to ask him to stop.

Magically, as soon as my feet hit the stairs he’s always suddenly quiet… which is what I wanted so fine.

We don’t have the conversation where I ask him to be quieter.

But still, roommate #5 continues their inconsiderate behavior.

Today was a new low.

The kettle starts whistling. Now, my room is on the third floor and the kitchen is on the first.

I could hear the screaming kettle two floors up and through my closed door.

I was about to leave, so I was pulling clothes out of my closet and then changing.

The author gave roommate #5 an opportunity to attend to the kettle.

I ordered groceries on my phone and then made sure I had a list of all the things that were out of so I could go pick them up at the corner store.

I then used the restroom.

Point is I LINGERED. And that kettle just keeeeeept screaming.

Finally, I went downstairs to take the kettle off the burner.

The rest of the house was busy with their own affairs, and roommate #5 is blissfully unaware, as always.

On my way, on the second floor, I can hear through their bedroom doors that both my work-from-home roommates are on conference calls.

When I get to the first floor, the front door is wide open and wonderful roommate #5 is chilling right outside.

So they decide to teach roommate #5 a lesson once and for all.

So when I take the kettle off the burner, I decide to get petty.

Roommate #5 doesn’t deserve hot water anymore because he’s selfish.

I dumped all the water out.

If he wants tea, he can actually pay attention to the kettle next time.

Serves the roommate right for being so oblivious.

What did Reddit think?

Roommate #5’s intentions are very unclear.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Why let a perfectly hot cup of tea go to waste?

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

But won’t their revenge only prolong the noise issues?

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I mean, how can you not hear something as loud as a kettle?

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

The silent vigil of the neglected kettle served as satisfying payback for the roommate’s selfish behavior.

Even the smallest acts of defiance can make a big statement.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.