Partner Insists There’s Cheese In The Fridge, So She Lets Him Find Out The Hard Way While Enjoying Revenge Sushi Instead
by Heather Hall
Living with a partner can be very annoying, especially when they have little habits that you don’t like.
So, what would you do if your significant other constantly second-guessed you, even when you know you’re right?
Would you push back? Or would you ignore them and move on with your day?
In the following story, a woman finds herself in this very situation and decides to let her partner discover the truth for himself.
Here’s how it all went down.
Revenge Sushi: 1 — Mac ‘n Cheese: 0
My partner (40M) does most of the cooking. I (40F) do other tasks around the house, like cleaning the bathrooms and fixing stuff.
We do not always eat the same meal together because we work different hours and enjoy the freedom to eat what we want. So sometimes he’ll make cauliflower for one (his favorite, but I’m not a fan), and I’ll make a salad.
Tonight, he wanted to make mac ‘n cheese for the both of us. Then we have this text convo:
ME: Yum! We’re out of cheese–can you get some on your way home?
HIM: We still have cheese in the fridge.
ME: Nope. I checked, and we’re out.
HIM: Are you sure?
Apparently, he second-guesses her too much.
I was working from home, which he knew, and physically checking the fridge–I wasn’t just guessing that we were out. Hence saying I CHECKED.
He does this All. The. Time. He’s not a mansplainer, but he is very insecure (I guess) & he’s 100% a man-questioner.
I dislike it because 1. Please just believe what I tell you, and 2. All these questions are making me double-guess myself. I’ve straight-up told him that—like, we had that discussion many times.
This time, rather than assure him, ‘Yes, I’m sure,’ I just stopped replying. If he thinks we have some imaginary cheese leftover in the fridge, fine he can use that for the MnC.
He gets a (not so) pleasant surprise.
Meanwhile, I KNOW we’re out of cheese, so I place an order for sushi. For one.
Partner gets home, checks the fridge–surprise, we’re out of cheese!
He proposes to make noodles instead & I tell him to go ahead and cook for one because I’ll eat something else. He makes the noodles, sits down to eat & the delivery guy shows up with my petty revenge sushi–which was delicious btw.
Yikes! That was probably an awkward meal.
Let’s see how the folks over at Reddit weighed in on this situation.
This person can relate.
It seems like this person is talking about someone specific.
Here’s someone whose husband doesn’t look very hard.
This person is the fixer in their home.
That’s one way to learn! Bet he’ll listen next time she says they’re out of cheese.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · dinner, macaroni and cheese, marriage disagreements, petty revenge, picture, questioning, reddit, sushi, top

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