September 30, 2024 at 6:22 pm

Restaurant Owner Makes Lowball Offer To Neighbor, And Bullies Them When They Say No. So They Found A Way To Get His Business Shut Down And Demolished.

by Mila Cardozo

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/Pexels/AndreaPiacquadio

Some people think they are smarter than everyone else. They try to lie, trick, and manipulate.

In this story, a guy who thought he could trick and bully his neighbor got a reality check real fast.

Let’s see what happened.

Business owner tries to bully neighbor, ends up losing his livelihood

My friend inherited his parent’s house a few years back and has been slowly renovating it. The house is nothing special and not in the best area but it’s his. No banks no mortgage. It also happens to be next door to a restaurant.

The restaurant had been a neighborhood fixture for decades but has slowly declined with the neighborhood. Cue the old owners walking away and selling it to a real sleazeball.

The new owner wants to buy my friend’s house to demo it so he can expand the restaurant’s parking lot.

I have a bad feeling about this…

Instead of offering a fair price, sleazeball tries to lowball my friend assuming he doesn’t know the property’s potential value. Sleazeball gets offended when my friend counters with fair market value and begins to bully him with passive-aggressive shenanigans: delivery trucks blocking his sidewalk, new super bright security lights that shine into the house, etc.

On top of that, sleazeball is openly racist and refers to my friend as all sorts of epithets.

Sleazeball even tries to turn the neighbors against my friend by telling them that he’s a drunk, has anger issues, etc. All the while sleazeball is doing major renovations/expansions to his restaurant…

There’s no talking with him… He needs a reality check.

The revenge: my friend does contracting work for the city and is on a first-name basis with the local boards. Turns out Sleazeball didn’t file for the proper permits…

After an ‘anonymous’ report to the inspectors, he’s ordered to demolish the new expansion. You’d think that’d be it, but oh no… The restaurant hasn’t been properly inspected for years and the city orders further inspections.


Another anonymous report stated that the restaurant was unsanitary.

No surprise, it fails the health & safety inspection and is condemned as structurally deficient.

Between the fines repair costs and loss of business, the owner files for bankruptcy, and the old restaurant is demolished.

Honestly, what did he expect?

Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this.

A reader shares their thoughts.

Source: ProRevenge

A commenter points out something important.

Source: ProRevenge

Someone sounds impressed.

Source: ProRevenge

I agree!

Source: ProRevenge

Another commenter chimes in.

Source: ProRevenge

Me too!

Source: ProRevenge

You can’t mistreat people and expect no consequences.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.