September 29, 2024 at 4:20 pm

Roommate’s Snack Hoarding Gets Out of Hand, And The Grocery-Splitting Agreement Crumbles

by Diana Whelan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Craig Adderley

After a year of peacefully splitting groceries, things took a turn when a self-proclaimed “snack monster,” started devouring all of the poster’s roommate’s favorite treats.

She tried to handle the situation with patience, but after finding their snacks repeatedly disappearing, they decided enough was enough.

Now they go their own way with groceries, but did she go too far?

Read on for the story .

AITA for telling my roommate I don’t want to split groceries anymore because she keeps eating all my snacks?

So, my roommate Sara and I have been living together for about a year, and we’ve always split groceries 50/50.

We do our shopping together, and for the most part, it’s worked out fine until recently.

Sara has been eating all of the snacks we buy within the first few days.

I’ll get home from work, excited for a bag of chips or some cookies, only to find them completely gone.

Wow, rude.

This has happened multiple times, and it’s not just a handful of snacks it’s pretty much everything.

I’ve politely brought it up to her, but she just laughs it off and says, I’m a snack monster!

After the fifth time this happened, I told her I think we should stop splitting groceries and just buy our own stuff from now on.

She got super defensive and said I was overreacting and that it’s just food.

Uhhh, no, that’s not how that works.

She even accused me of being selfish for wanting to keep our groceries separate when we’ve been doing it this way for so long.

Now the vibe in the apartment is super awkward, and she’s barely talking to me.

When boundaries are crossed and polite requests ignored, it’s no wonder the situation has escalated into an apartment-wide cold war.

Reddit says roommate is a selfish little Sally.

Source: Reddit/AITA

That she probably knows just how much she’s taking advantage.

Source: Reddit/AITA

That she really just doesn’t care.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Guess the “snack monster” can fend for herself now.

Perhaps that’s for the best.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.