He Wanted A Few Hours Of Sleep After A Long Drive, But His Travel Companions Accused Him Of Ruining The Trip When He Wouldn’t Get Back Behind The Wheel
by Benjamin Cottrell
The thrill of traveling can quickly lose it’s shine when you’re sleep deprived – and that goes double when you’re the driver on a road trip.
When two eager companions pushed their exhausted driver too far, led to a conflict that threatened to ruin the whole trip.
Read on for the full story!
AITA for demanding my gf and her friend turn off the tv in a hotel room and keep quiet while I was sleeping after a 10 hour drive?
I’m on a holiday trip traveling from one big city to another.
The trip includes me, my girlfriend, and her friend.
I did the entire drive, which was over 10 hours and utterly exhausting.
When we arrived at the hotel room, I was completely drained and crashed on the bed.
His fellow travel companions weren’t too pleased with this.
The three of us are staying in the same hotel room, but the two of them kept annoying me, saying I promised I would take them out to hot pot.
I know I promised that, but I couldn’t do it right then.
I was exhausted and just wanted to rest for a few hours.
He suggests other alternatives, but they refuse.
I told them that if they really wanted, they could take an Uber, and I’d stay in the hotel room.
They kept pestering me, and I told them to stop.
Now they’re actively keeping him awake.
They started talking really loudly and turned on the hotel TV, even though they knew I was trying to sleep.
I got up without a word, turned off the TV, and asked them to let me sleep peacefully.
By the time I woke up, it was really late, and most restaurants were closed.
We ended up getting Uber Eats and eating in the hotel room instead.
Their pestering continued into the next day.
After messing up my sleep schedule, the next morning, the same thing happened.
They wanted me to take them to the beach as I’d promised, but I just wanted a few extra hours of sleep.
Again, I told them they could take public transport or an Uber.
Finally, they blow up on him.
Later, the two of them gave me a massive dressing down, saying my sour mood was ruining the trip.
Even the best cars and drivers need to stop for gas.
What did Reddit think?
Having fun on a trip is important, but getting enough sleep is arguably more important.
Regardless of what some may think, driving 10 hours is a pretty big deal.
As with most conflicts, this problem could have been solved with better communication.
A car with an overworked engine won’t get you far at all.
They wanted him to keep running on empty, but everyone has their limits.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, annoying, driving, long trips, pestering, picture, reddit, relationship drama, relationships, road trips, sleep deprived, sleep schedule, top, traveling

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