She Decided To Sell Her Tickets To The Eras Tour For $4,000 Instead Of Giving Them To Her Sister-In-Law. Now She Won’t Talk To Her And Doesn’t Plan On Going To Her Baby Shower.
by Jayne Elliott
The Eras Tour is certainly popular, and some people are able to sell their tickets for much more than they originally paid.
In today’s story, one woman decides to sell her Eras Tour tickets, and now her sister-in-law is upset.
Let’s see why she sold the tickets and why her sister-in-law is mad…
AITA for selling my Eras Tour tickets instead of giving them to my sister in law?
Hi everyone. I’m 31 f living in San Diego. About a year ago I got two tickets to Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour for this December in Vancouver, Canada.
My sister in law (29 f) has never been a huge Taylor Swift fan (she even was offered a chance to go to the Eras Tour last year but said no because she doesn’t like her music that much) but I asked if she wanted to go with me and she said yes.
OP can’t go to the concert anymore.
Fast forward a couple of months and I am now expecting a baby.
The concert is December 6 and my due date is December 7.
At first I was adamant I was still going to try and make it to the concert but I soon came to the realization it just wasn’t in the cards for me.
Her sister-in-law changed her mind about wanting to go to the concert.
I offered to let her have the tickets if she wanted to take her daughter who is a big Taylor swift fan and she said she didn’t want to go if I wasn’t going.
A couple weeks go by and I tell her I’m thinking about just selling my tickets and she tells me she’s still going with or without me and that her nail tech wants to go with her which kind of put me off a little because they’re my tickets and not hers to be deciding who is using them (she never even offered to pay me face value for them).
Her sister-in-law is mad at her for selling the tickets.
Long story short I end up selling the tickets for $4,000 in total which will be a perfect little nest egg for me while I am on maternity leave.
She has since completely stopped communicating with me.
We were pretty much best friends before this.
She doesn’t reply to anything I send her about the baby (ultrasound pics etc), stopped sharing her location, and now is looking to go out of town the day of my baby shower which has been planned for months.
So, AITA here?
Considering she originally offered the tickets to her sister-in-law and her sister-in-law didn’t want them, I don’t think OP did anything wrong.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader thinks the sister-in-law is greedy.
Another reader thinks OP didn’t do anything wrong.
This person thinks the sister-in-law should’ve offered to buy the tickets.
This person thinks OP was wrong for selling the tickets for $4000.
This reader called the sister-in-law “entitled.”
Another reader thinks OP and her sister-in-law are both greedy.
Her sister-in-law messed up by not taking the tickets when she originally offered.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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