September 7, 2024 at 10:31 pm

Social Media Influencer Goes On A First Date And The Owner Of The Restaurant Starts Hitting On The Girl – ‘um, this is weird, the restaurant just DM’d me three times in a row.’

by Michael Levanduski

Source: TikTok/@justinassada source: ShutterStock

When single and trying to find a life partner, dating can be really hard. Sometimes, however, you are able to land a date with someone you think will be perfect for you.

That’s what happened to TikToker @Justinassada, who asked a lady he liked out on a date, and she said yes!

He talks about this in the video, saying, “Here’s the thing, there’s this girl on social media that I have THE biggest crush on, right? I’d like to think that we would be soul mates.”

Source: TikTok/@justinassada

He asks her out, and she says yes! Later, he goes on to explain how great the date is, “We head to the restaurant, and from the time we step in the door, everything’s perfect. They give us the best table in the restaurant, the service is great, the food is wonderful. We are quite literally the last people in the entire restaurant just because we are having such a wonderful time.”

Sounds like a dream come true! Unfortunately, at the end of the dinner, the owner of the restaurant comes out and causes some issues that you won’t believe.

Source: TikTok/@justinassada

The owner of the restaurant leaves the table and goes to the back. When the date checks her phone, something happens. @justinassada explains, “so, she’s going into her message requests and then all the sudden she makes the most surprised, shocked face. She looks up at me and goes, “um, this is weird, the restaurant just DM’d me three times in a row.”

Wow, unbelievable. The owner of the restaurant actually contacted this guy’s date (spoiler alert, the owner tried to ask her out!). Don’t worry, he confronts him while walking out.

Source: TikTok/@justinassada

@justinassada finishes the story, saying, “I just go full press mode and I say, “Yo, **** face, what was that stunt back there?” He starts acting like he has no idea what’s going on. Boom! Receipts right there in his French face…”

Wow, that restaurant owner was really out of line both personally and professionally.

Let’s take a look at the full video.


Weirdest first date ever

♬ original sound – Justin

That would be such a crazy date, let’s see what the people in the comments had to say.

This person says it is crazy that the owner didn’t wait until they were out of the restaurant.

Source: TikTok/@justinassada

She must have been cute!

Source: TikTok/@justinassada

He might have had a shot if he paid!

Source: TikTok/@justinassada

This restaurant owner really needs to be more professional.

If you liked that story, check orut this one about a 72-year-old woman was told by her life insurance company that her policy was worthless because she’d paid for 40 years. 🙁