September 26, 2024 at 4:21 am

Tenant’s New Neighbor Would Play Music At Full Volume Throughout The Day, So She Finally Had Enough And Got Revenge In The Most Satisfying Way

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

When you have annoying neighbors it can be difficult to deal with.

What would you do if your neighbors were constantly playing music at a ridiculously loud volume?

That is what the renter in this story experienced, but she got revenge in the most unexpected way.

Check it out.

The pettiest revenge on a loud neighbor.

Backstory: The side of an apartment complex and the back of my apartment complex touch, separated only by a wooden fence.

From my window (on the second floor) I can see into their tiny slice of “backyard.”

A couple of months ago, someone new moved into the apartment complex behind mine.

That would be a nightmare.

I know she just moved in, because things were (relatively) quiet, then the noise nation attacked.

She plays music about 50% of day hours, and sometimes has loud parties at night.

The first time the noise happened, I was dumbstruck.

It was so loud.

Like, before I yelled at her, I closed my window, put on headphones (not noise cancelling, cause I’m poor), and played music as loud as I could stand.

I could still hear it.

And she was singing along, really badly.

Like super off key.

So I get close my window, and scream (so she could hear me over her noise) “TURN IT DOWN!”

At least she did something I guess.

Something slammed shut, and the music became quieter.

I could still hear it, but at least headphones blocked it out.

The very next day, the music is again that loud.

I scream again “TURN IT DOWN!”

(I couldn’t comprehend her behavior, honestly. Like there are so many people crammed into our small area, and her music is just so loud. I just want to be sure you understand how bad it is.)

Now, my Spanish isn’t the best, and she was talking really fast, but the gist of it was, “I already closed the door and window! What more do you want me to do?!”

Despite this, it did get quieter.

She was furious though, and I really didn’t want to deal with it.

I made a new rule for her.

If I could drown it out, I wouldn’t say anything.

Something I should mention: I have REALLY good hearing.

So I try to be lenient with these noise things, thinking it was just my hearing.

Then, my housemates, who I had been complaining to, started complaining back.

She was getting worse, and it started warming up, which means they had to start leaving their windows open.

Now they could hear her all the time too.

Why does she need it so loud?

Time passes, and I continue to yell at her to turn it down on occasion.

I started to realize that it wasn’t working, though.

I would yell at her to turn down the music (not turn off, mind you, just turn down), but nothing would change.

It was infuriating, and I couldn’t believe how disrespectful she was being.

I wrote a note for her (in Spanish and in English) that said:

Your music is too loud! Please keep it turned down, or I will report you to the landlord.

The problem is, she doesn’t live in my apartment complex.

I don’t know how to contact her landlord, and mine can’t do anything.

She got the note, but did nothing about it.

She kept ignoring my yelling.

The music kept being obnoxiously loud, and they kept having loud conversations/parties.

The last straw was when she started turning on music early.

I don’t have to get up for work until 7:30-7:45.

She started blasting her music before my alarm went off, waking me in a jarring and unpleasant manner.

Something had to be done.

When I got home that night, her music was STILL loud, so I came up with a simple and quick plan.

Wait. What?

I egged her door.

She is on the second floor of her building, so I could easily see her door when I was on the ground level of my apartment’s “backyard.”

It was a perfect throw too.

With just one (1) egg, I managed to get her door, the ground, and her garbage can.

It splattered really well, and she didn’t see me do it.

I did this last night, so I don’t know the results, but even if nothing changes, it felt good to make her deal with the mess.

I really did not expect that ending.

Let’s see what the people in the comments think.

Somehow I doubt this would have worked.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Fight fire with fire.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Not a bad idea.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

That should have been tried first I suppose.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Hey, I thought it was creative.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Sometimes you’ll try anything to get your neighbors to quiet down.

Why can’t they just police themselves!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.