September 12, 2024 at 1:49 pm

She Confirmed Her Friend ‘s Unusual Baby Voice Wasn’t Real, And Now Her Friend Is Upset At Being Outed

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

When a person fakes the way they look or sound, it can be pretty obvious to the people who know them.

And while it may sound cute to them, others might find it creepy or annoying.

When asked if her friend was faking her voice, this woman said confirmed the truth – but the friend in question got upset.

Read the story below for the full details!

AITA for outing my friend that her baby voice isn’t her normal voice?

I have a friend that I’m really close to that has social anxiety, so she hasn’t been out with my friends before.

She finally decided to come with us, which was exciting.

But she spoke completely differently.

This woman noticed her friend’s voice right away.

I don’t know how to explain it, but she was talking in a baby voice. Or maybe an anime voice.

She just sounded not like herself at all.

She sounded like 12 years old.

And their friends confronted her about it.

When she went to the bathroom, my friends immediately asked me why she sounds like that.

One of my friends said, “She sounds so young, it’s crazy.”

Another said, “No one sounds like that. She’s clearly faking it for some reason.”

So, she admitted to them that it wasn’t her normal voice.

I admitted that yes, she was faking it, which was obvious.

But I wasn’t sure why she was talking like that.

There were guys there that I’m friends with. Maybe she has a crush? Or just nervous? No idea.

She also talked to her friend about it.

But after the hangout, I asked her why she was talking like that, and she played dumb.

She said “I was talking differently? Sometimes, I act different around different people.”

I said it wasn’t just that, she sounded young, way younger than she is.

She said it was just something she was trying out, and that she hopes no one noticed.

And her friend got upset about the whole thing.

I said of course they noticed, and I told them that wasn’t your real voice.

She got upset at this, and said I shouldn’t have told them that.

I told her girl, everyone knows your faking the voice. My saying it doesn’t do anything, they all know.

But she’s mad at me. AITA?

Let’s see what other Reddit users have to say about it.

This user makes a good point.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one agrees.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Nothing wrong with it, says this user.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here’s another great observation.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this one shared a similar experience.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I bet it only sounded cute in her head.

That’s how it seems, anyway.

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