September 29, 2024 at 1:49 pm

Young Man Refused To Babysit His Future Stepsiblings, But Now Their Mom Says He’s Being Incredibly Childish

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Building a new family when you have a child from a previous marriage can be really complicated.

This young man is caught in the middle of his dad’s upcoming wedding with his new bride-to-be, especially when it comes to his willingness to babysit.

He’s firm in saying no, but his dad and his fiancée won’t let it go.

Check out the full story below.

AITA for refusing to babysit my dad’s fiancée’s kids during their wedding?

My dad and his fiancée Kirsten (both late 30s) are getting married in January.

Kirsten has three kids under 8. Dad has me (17m).

My mom died 11 years ago.

Kirsten’s ex-husband is alive, but doesn’t play a role in the lives of their kids (except for child support which is apparently taken from his income because he wasn’t paying).

This lad didn’t want to get too involved with Kirsten or her kids.

Her kids don’t remember their dad and, so my dad and Kirsten are hoping that he will become their new dad.

I met Kirsten 4-5 months ago, and her kids around the same time.

And given my age and the fact I did fine with just me and dad, I’m not looking for Kirsten to fill any sort of maternal or motherly role.

I also don’t think I’ll be engaging with Kirsten’s kids as a sibling.

But Kirsten wanted him to be an older sibling to her children.

This upsets her because she wanted me to be the cool older sibling for them, and someone who might babysit on occasion.

But mostly someone who’d make a point to spend time with them.

But I’m not planning on spending too much time with them. I have plans for once I turn 18.

My dad always knew this.

He was firm in saying no.

So this has led into the whole babysitting the kids during the wedding stuff.

Kirsten says since I won’t be 18 when they get married, and I’ll still be living with my dad, I should be willing to monitor her kids throughout the wedding.

My dad admitted she’s hoping it makes me a little more willing to be someone to her kids.

I said no when I was initially asked, and I was clear with my no.

After another request, he still said no.

Kirsten told me it wasn’t like I was looking forward to the wedding anyway, so why not agree to babysit?

She told me it would give me the chance to bond with her kids.

I said no.

They continue to insist, even with his dad offering to pay him.

Dad said he’d pay me to do it if I was agreeable to money for it.

But then Kirsten was saying it would be hurtful if I wouldn’t do it as a favor to my growing family.

Dad told her that was expecting a little too much.

She argued that if I’m there, and still living with him, I should be willing, and that I seem so resistant to acting like a sibling that it’s incredibly childish.

The argument continues and no ones backing down.

There was some more back and forth about it.

Kirsten got really annoyed when I said it again, as clearly as I could, that I won’t babysit during the wedding.

Dad said he’d pay for a sitter, but Kirsten said I should really be more willing here.

That dad and I don’t have an awful relationship, so why won’t I give all this a chance and make the day less expensive and more of a happy memory for everyone.


Let’s find out how other people reacted to this story.

This user suggests a straightforward response.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It’s going to be a handful, says this one.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here’s a decent advice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this one, too.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Finally, this user says stick to your guns.

Source: Reddit/AITA

He said no multiple times.

What’s so hard to understand?

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.