His Coworker Kept Spreading Rumors About Him, So He Got Revenge By Dating Her Son And Filing A Restraining Order
by Michael Levanduski
It is pretty rare to work in an environment where you like every one of your co-workers.
What would you do if one of your co-workers was always talking bad about you, and even spreading rumors about your personal life?
That is what the guy in this story experienced, so he started dating his co-worker’s son just to make her upset.
Check it out.
Spread rumors about me? Well guess what, I’m dating your son, and you don’t have a job.
I had a coworker about 6 years ago who was quite the bitter pill to swallow.
She was about 45, and the special variety of holier-than-thou, my-poop-doesn’t-stink christian we all know and hate.
Ill call her Chastity, the one thing she lacked (I’m promiscuous, but she may as well have had a revolving door for all the men she saw).
We had worked together for 2 years prior to this, but our animosity truly began when she first came to my church.
I’m not the most pious man, but I try to do my best as a person and I think in gods eyes, thats good enough (I could get preachy here but I’ll spare y’all the excess).
And the fellow members of my congregation shared that same belief.
But of course she did.
Chastity seemed to have an issue with the fact that I, a heavily tattooed, gay, not-well-dressed, gossip fiend, former addict (9 years clean), DARED to enter a church.
I mean, how dare I not run away hissing and screeching from the house of god am I right?
And so Chastity began to try and undermine me to this second family of mine.
Now this was a bad idea on her part because I had been with this church since almost day one.
When its first services were 20-30 people up til now, three services of 4-500.
Many people knew me well, the first to volunteer and welcome new members, happy to take the lead for the children’s services on occasion, overall I’m well liked.
Wow, she seems absolutely awful.
But Chastity decided she would just tell everyone and their mother how much of a sinner I was.
Talking about things I had supposedly said or done in the office.
Naturally, this got back to me, a proper glutton for gossip, VERY quickly.
At first, I ignored it, then I got irritated, around Christmas I was fuming.
Now whataya know? Chastity dragged her current piece of meat, her two daughters and her son with her to the Christmas service.
Suddenly something clicked, office gossip played in my head about Chastitys son.
You see shortly after I began working with her she called out for about a week solid with “inconsolable grief” and she wouldn’t explain why.
Then the gossip began, and it was revealed to me that her son had come out of the closet and she was heavily in denial about it.
This all came back to me in seconds, and the gears for sweet revenge began to turn in my head.
Potentially hurting the son as revenge against the mom is pretty disgusting.
I waited like a patient tiger for my prey to approach, watching him near I realized he was actually pretty cute.
About 21 (I later found out he had just turned 21) nice little butt and a pouty RBF, and honestly, the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen.
Now at the time I was 36 and I had years of experience tripping up inexperienced men.
We have a large coffee bar in the foyer that I was waiting at.
The music had begun (we have a full band) and most everyone was out of the foyer when the bar cleared enough for him to approach.
I started soft, just some gentle flirting, prodding to see if he was even interested.
As soon as I got a response I went in.
Pulling him close and pushing the napkin with my number on it into his shirt pocket.
His eyes go a little wide and I release him before anyone can take note of what happened.
That afternoon I wasn’t surprised to get a text.
I can’t remember it exactly, but heres how the conversation went.
Cutie-pie: You never told me your name.
Me: Oh my bad, hope thats not a problem.
Cutie-pie: Nope. Think you can tell or do I have to find out? 😉
Me: Well if you really want to know you’ll have to ask me later, I gotta go. But I’ll be at [bar] tonight if you don’t want to wait.
He sounds predatory.
And I had him.
That first date went really well and as it turns out I was the first person he ever got drunk with.
Now I had intended to just have a one night stand with him, just to rub it in Chastity’s face, but I fell for him pretty hard, pretty fast.
Next thing I know, a little less two months pass and I had totally forgotten my irritation with Chastity.
Until she does it again, irritating me again.
So the next day at work I take my lunch a little early to catch one of Chastity’s “friends” who works in the same department as her.
He just loves spreading his own gossip.
We talk and I say how glad I am to have gotten Valentine’s day off, how much fun I was gonna have with Cutie-pie.
I pretend not to notice her eyes bug out for a second.
And so, lunch over, I head back and get back to work.
In the middle of typing up a report I hear Chastity’s heels click-clicking up to my office door.
Living in a one party consent state, I set my phone to the side to record her.
And boy does she have a lot to say.
Chastity: What the heck is wrong with you!?
Me: Pardon?
Chastity: Don’t you give me that. Are you dating my son!?
Me: I don’t think thats any of your business.
Chastity: It is my business! My son is not a homo like you, what did you do!? Blackmail him!? Bribe him!? I’m gonna call the cops!!
Me: What I do on my free time with another adult has nothing to do with you, now if you would, leave me alone.
Chastity: You stay the heck away from my son or there will be heck to pay, you hear me!!??
And she stormed out.
Five minutes later I’m in HR reporting her with the recording as evidence.
He is really taking this to the extreme.
An hour after that I leave early and take this to the police and get the info on how to file a restraining order on Chastity.
Two hours later I’m home and with her son.
The next day was my day off, and the day after thty I was all too happy to hear she has been fired for gross misconduct and discrimination
My husband(yes the very same CutiePie) and I are celebrating our first anniversary next week.
Honestly, both this guy and ‘Chastity’ sound pretty insufferable.
Let’s see what the people in the comments have to say about this story.
100% agree with this comment.
Good question, what is mom like now?
Yeah, this is very creepy.
This person thinks it was a wonderful story.
I would be curious about this as well.
Everyone in this story seems awful.
Except maybe the husband/son.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · christian, church, co-worker, dating, drama, fired, gossip, misconduct, picture, pro revenge, reddit, top, work, workplace drama

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